Monday, November 10, 2008

Blog Etiquette

As being a relatively new blogger (only a few months), can someone tell me the proper etiquette for leaving comments on someone else's blog? I recently left a comment on a fellow blogger's blog and in the comment, I placed my own blog address so that others could view my blog.

Well, this is the response I got. "***EDITED BY SIP WHOSE PET PEEVE IS STILL PEOPLE WE DON'T KNOW ADVERTISING THEIR DAMN SITE IN A COMMENT BEING ALL RUDE AND ISH." Is what I did considered rude? I'm really curious to find out, because I did not think that it was. If so, then so be it, I'll have to conform to proper Blog Etiquette from now on.

Anyway, this was my response, and also, I'm curious to know if this was out of line. "Hmm, I had no idea stating your own blog address in a comment was a bad thing. Isn't that how we all connect with people? It was not my intent to be rude in any way but it is a good way to get me to not promote your blog going forward. I really enjoyed reading to see what you had to say, and it was by word of mouth that I even found out about your site. I'm really surprised by your response. But as Maya Angelou says, "When someone shows you who you truly are, believe them the first time"."

So, needless to say, I won't be visiting her site again and further more, I definitely wont be promoting her blog in the future. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who wants to promote their own blog on my blog, GO FOR IT!!! Get the word out there, let people know what you have to say. I'm not in any way threatened by it. Just like I said in my response to my fellow blogger, isn't that the way we all connect with each other? Isn't that the beauty of blogging?


CreoleInDC said...'s rude. Not just rude to me...but rude period. You did it once when you first commented over a month ago on my blog and I said the same thing then. I'm sorry...but it's rude and it is a particular pet peeve of mine. Put your information in the URL section and folks will click on your name and be able to get to your site.

It's very simple.

I'm sorry if your feelings were hurt but got the same response EVERYONE who has ever done that on my site received've received the response TWICE. I'm equal opportunity.

BTWOV said...

I do apologize, that was not my intent. I never saw your response from the 1st time I left a comment on your blog. All I can say is now that I know better, I'll do better.

CreoleInDC said...

Here's another one sweetie...don't cut and paste what someone said on their BLOG. Link to it.

I've looked around your blog today and you're smart and funny so I'll give you a few blogging tips. My blog isn't huge but I have a page rank of 5 in Google which is pretty high on the totem pole and I have about 10K hits on an average week day so I hope you take it to heart.

Keep in mind I have been blogging on my current blog since '05. It took me a while to build enough of a presence to have the ranking I have so it won't happen overnight.

Write what you would talk about if your readers were sitting in your kitchen having a cup of coffee with you. Write in a conversational manner. Like you do when you actually speak.

Visit other blogs and comment. Especially popular blogs (but not tooooooo popular or your comments will get lost in the hundreds of other comments). Always fill in the URL section and make sure your comments are thought provoking enough to make them want to see what else you have to say.

Be timely with what you write about. Sometimes folks have heard enough about the subject by day three of it and won't want to ready any more about it. Hit it quickly and hard right off the bat.

ASK YOUR READERS QUESTIONS! Makes them want to answer. Sometimes the simpler questions are AMAZING to get folks moving. I've asked people how tall they are and have had 90 people comment. LOL! Cracks me up.

If you include a link in your comment...let it be a link RELEVANT to the topic of the post.

And...don't pick fights with blog owners unless you want to attract the type of following that is just looking for messy kinda ish. I have a very strong inkling that is certainly NOT the type of readers you want. LOL...

In the beginning stages of a blog you just had to hit your niche and find like minded people to read. Just keep writing and commenting on other sites from your heart and they will come.

I promise.

Now...I'll go unBAN you. I have a migraine and was not in the mood for back and forth with you about this. I'm not complicated at all...LOL.

BTWOV said...

Thanks Monica! I appreciate your thoughts and comments and look forward to viewing your site again! I promise, now that I know what I'm not supposed to do, I will be cognizant of it in the future!!!