Friday, August 29, 2008

We Can Not Turn Back...

Tell me last night wasn't electrifying! I sat in awe from beginning to end.

Shawn Johnson gave the Pledge of Allegiance and Jennifer Hudson sang the National Anthem.

Will.I.Am and John Legend sang "Yes We Can".

Al Gore took the stage to show his support for Barack. My favorite quote from Al was in regard to the comparison between Bush and McCain when he said, "I'm all for recycling, but that's rediculous". How true is that statement?

Al Gore's DNC speech

Oprah said it best by saying "I cried my eyelashes off". What a historical moment. Obama's speech says it all. Barack laid out his strategy in a very clear and precise manner. He did not leave you wondering what his views are or how he will lead this great country he loves so much.

Barack Obama's Acceptance speech

For a transcript of Al Gore's DNC speech, go to:

For a transcript of Barack Obama's Acceptance speech, go to:

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