Monday, May 6, 2019

What’s Trump Hiding?

“When you have nothing to hide, you hide nothing!”  There is substantial evidence as to why Mueller should testify in front of the Judiciary Committee and why his tax returns should be turned over by Mnuchin.  If this President is “the most transparent President we’ve ever had” (his words, not mine), then what on earth is he trying to hide from the American People?  There should be no reason to withhold this information unless he is.  We all know Mueller disagreed with Barr’s summary of his 400+ page report.  Therefore, there is more to all of this than this President wants us to know.  In all honesty, I’ve not read the report in full but the excerpts I have read, it’s clear he obstructed justice and continues to do so with stunts like this.
I found this article, posted by Fox News, very interesting.  It’s a statement , signed by 379 former Federal Prosecutors who feel Trump would have been indicated if he weren’t president.
Trump Would Have Been Indicted...