Thursday, May 28, 2009

Found At Disney World

WTF? I can not believe this mother staged her own disappearance and that of her daughter in order to take a trip to Disney World. Bonnie Sweeten and her daughter, Julia Rakoczy, were found at a hotel in Florida yesterday afternoon. Thankfully they were both found alive and well. However, I can't believe her actions. First of all, who calls the police to say they have been abducted when they haven't? We have enough people missing in the world that need the manpower of the police department to find them. We don't need false claims that you've been abducted, plus has she ever heard of Karma? I wouldn't put anything like that out in the world with fears that something like that could happen. I'm also really tired of white women and men claiming that a black man did the crime. What do 2 black men want with a white mother and child. How rare is that occurrence? Didn't you know, it's normally white men who are the ones to abduct someone?

I'm curious to see what kind of time she gets for this. These kind of occurrences need to be stopped and until someone really gets the book thrown at them, it's unfortunately going to continue.

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