Friday, May 28, 2010

Remember what Memorial Day is all about, even if our leader doesn't.????

This statement came from a Facebook post this afternoon and IS NOT MY THOUGHT AT ALL and that is why there is a question mark at the end. What the hell does that even mean? I get so sick of blanket comments like that with absolutely no elaboration of what the basis of the statement even means.

Let's break the statement down...

"Remember Memorial Day"... that's a given. We should all honor our fallen soldiers on Monday. How do we do that? Go to a parade, hang a flag in your yard, wear red-white & blue, have a cookout. Now I don't know what President Obama has planned on Monday, but I feel pretty confident that he will probably do one if not all of the things that make us as a nation patriotic. I think he'll even go a step further by visiting the Veteran's Memorial that day in DC. What will you be doing that day?

"Even if our leader doesn't".... WHAT? What does that even mean? What is the basis of that statement? Everyone knows I am an Obama supporter through and through, but even if this message was posted during Bush's term I would have the same reaction. Don't use Memorial Day to trash the current President and what he stands for. Obama, and even Bush for that matter, have more patriotism in their pinkie finger than I have in my whole body. They live and breath the United States of America and what it stands for and that's why they are where they are.

If you're going to make a statement like that, state your reasons for why you feel like that. In my opinion, there is nothing to support it! We must find a way to stop trashing a President that has been given so many obstacles. Why can't we support him in making this a better country instead of making statements like that, which only set us back!

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