Saturday, February 8, 2020

Response to a Trump Supporter - 2/7/2020

The very next day, another response was given to yet another Trump Supporter who doesn’t believe in facts or truth.  I’m not quite sure what it will take for them to recognize evil.  This particular Trump Supporter, I feel, berated my Mom, which is why I start off the response as an acknowledgement to my Mom.

Mom, I have to start out by saying what an AMAZING woman you are. And while this quote is not yours, it’s become my guiding force as an adult, “The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.” – Lieutenant General David Morrison (Australian Army). It signifies the strength you and Dad gave my brother and I, to stand up to injustice and always protect the less fortunate. Thank you for instilling those values in both of us, I’m forever grateful. 

Peggy has known you ALL of her life and she too knows what an amazing person you are, with a kind heart and generous soul. Therefore, I hope my words yesterday didn’t stain that. 

Now, on to Dennis’s comments... you went after the wrong person yesterday... literally. You didn’t take the time to realize that my mother is not the one that posted the picture of the tweet from Max von Essen. IT WAS ME! Instead of paying attention to detail, you went on a tirade and tried to mansplain your interpretation of political affairs to my mother, who quite honestly doesn’t need or deserve that. When reading your comments, it felt as though I had just hit play on the stereo to hear all of the Republican talking points, as if you took line after line from the Republican playbook written by Trump, his administration, his supporters and by FOX News. You asked my mother what news outlets she watched, as if I’m sure you felt she only watched CNN. Well, I personally don’t watch the news, AT ALL. I read and I listen to objective talk radio. I’m also the type of person that takes all of your comments, and forms an opinion based on factual information, so here are my opinions.... 

There are countless ways Trump has degraded the office of presidency, for one, as of January 2020, he’s lied 16,241 times. All politicians lie, I agree with that, but not to the overwhelming level Trump lies. After Trump was elected, he lied about the crowd size at his inauguration, said it was the biggest crowd ever and from then on, he’s continued to lie... A LOT. Trump has praised a congressman who body slammed a reporter, he’s degraded more women in power than any other president has, but it doesn’t just end with women, he degrades men as well, if they don’t agree with his views. Trump has said, in his own words, that “there were fine people on both sides”. NO, there weren’t fine people on both sides. Nazis aren’t fine people! Trump has threatened to strip security clearances from his critics, all while making sure his SIL, Jared Kushner received his through improper channels. And while many people call The Mueller Report, a witch hunt, it surely found a lot of witches! While the MR wasn’t used in the impeachment proceedings of your president, it did find that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 election “in sweeping and systematic fashion” and produced an assessment that Trump was involved in committing crimes, which could result in impeachable offences. In fact, there were 10 instances of obstruction of justice (Trump asked James Comey to let Michael Flynn go, then the firing of James Comey, the reaction to the continuation of the Russia investigation, the attempts to oust Robert Mueller and his efforts to remove him, the efforts to curtail the Russia investigation, his attempts to stop the public from seeing the evidence, his efforts to bring back Jeff Session to take control of the investigation and lastly Trump telling Don McGahn to deny that he wanted the special counsel removed). The MR also produced 37 indictments and guilty plea deals (George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, 13 Russian Nationals and 3 Russian companies, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Konstantin Kilmnik, 12 Russian GRU officers, Michael Cohen and Roger Stone). I can continue with more examples of Trumps degradation of the office he holds if you’d like. I have more, many more!

Nancy did not start the “crime-less” impeachment. Your president did, by calling on a foreign government to help him with his own political purpose to be re-elected. He not only called on Ukraine, but he obstructed justice by not allowing many with 1st hand knowledge to testify and he called on government agencies to withhold crucial documents. However, there were several witnesses who defied the president’s orders to not testify, and they are the ones who became the real hero’s in this whole process. He’s been impeached, he’ll always be an impeached president and that will not change. He was not convicted and removed from office due to the Senate, but keep in mind, just because he was not convicted doesn’t make him any less guilty and guilty he is. And your claim that he “kept more promises than any president in recent memory”. You do remember that he flipped his party affiliation because he couldn’t win the election as a Democrat. This president has actually flipped his positions more than any other president in recent history.

Regarding the tweet by Max von Essen, while you may not like what his tweet said, it doesn’t make it propaganda or untrue. Trump HAS sexually assaulted women, 17 to be exact. One of his assault victims, E Jean Carroll has recently asked for Trump’s DNA for evidence in her case. He HAS mocked the disabled, not my opinion, but fact and on tape. The link you shared from clearly shows that. In the video, Trump is referring to Serge Kovaleski, who is disabled. You can try and spin it to say that at the beginning of the video, it doesn’t appear from what you’re seeing that Kovaleski is disabled, but that doesn’t mean he’s actually not and it doesn’t mean that’s not what Trump’s intent was on that stage in Florida. Trump HAS torn children from their parents. In fact, in November 2019, there were 69,550 being detained from their parents, which is more than any other country. Trump DID HAVE Michael Cohen pay off a porn star on his behalf, which lead to Cohen serving a 3 year prison term in Federal prison. Trump DID insult a gold star family, the family of Capt. Humayun Khan who died while serving our country in Iraq. Again, not opinion, but fact and on tape. Trump DID call Nazis fine people and your claim that he condemned Charlottesville is an outright lie. He didn’t! Once again, not opinion, but fact and on tape. Trump DOES deny science. He rejected the climate assessment based on thousands of climate studies, involving 13 different federal agencies, he withdrew the US from the Paris climate treaty which was signed by nearly all nations to reduce fossil fuel emissions, and he replaced Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which reduces emission from US power plants. There’s more, I can keep going with this one too but those are a few examples. Trump DID steal from his charities, which resulted in him paying $2 million in damages to those 8 charities involved. Trump DID start a fake university and because of multiple lawsuits, it is now defunct. Trump settled the 3 lawsuits brought against the “university” and the Trump organization in November 2016 for a total of $25 million dollars.

You mentioned to my mother that she should try as a reputable news source because they give both sides to issues of the day. But that’s not actually true. I rely on Media Bias Fact Check to source my information. They give RCP a mixed rating for factual reporting “due to use of multiple sources who have failed fact checks”. They do lean Right Center, but I wouldn’t rely on them for factual information. In fact, I always use, or
To sum this up, it is my opinion based on the examples I’ve given that there is no longer an objective moral compass and complete lack of situational ethics and our country deserves better than that.

And that is how my response ended.  Again, I’m sure it went in one ear and out the other but at least I can say, I tried to make sense of it all.

Response to a Trump Supporter - 2/6/2020

President Trump was acquitted Wednesday in the Senate.  Not because he’s not guilty but because the Senators feared what their fate would be if they went after their authoritarian leader.  This is a response to a Trump Supporter, the very next day.

To start, I’ll just say that you didn’t answer my question. However, in response to your reply, I’ll go one by one with all the things you praise your president on and then I’ll ask a very specific question, to which I hope will be a specific answer with factual information rather than you spewing the talking points from the right. 

1st, he doesn’t “state facts bluntly”, because he doesn’t have the facts. He lies, and as of January 2020, he’s lied 16,241 times. With that said, he’s not worthy of anyone’s trust. 

2nd, “called folks names”, you’ve absolutely right. He’s called people some of the most horrible names and made fun of so many different people from almost all different races, religions, genders, etc. He’s a “mean girl” in a male wig. 

3rd, “he’s not a politician”. Words could not be truer and our country is suffering because of that. 

4th, “he is a great POTUS”, well that’s just BS and historians have already ranked him towards the bottom of the pack. That is just a factually inaccurate statement and one that history books will be written about for our eternity. 

5th, “his policies are solid”, again, factually inaccurate. Your president has flipped on more policies than I can count. Do you remember, he used to claim to be a Democrat, until he knew he couldn’t run and win as one? 

6th, “he protects OUR religion”, you mean he protects the Christian belief? He definitely doesn’t protect religious beliefs, or he wouldn’t have banned Muslims from our country because of theirs. This man is the furthest from a religious man than anyone in politics today. 

7th, he “saves lives of millions of aborted humans”. But he’s ok with keeping those same children he wants to protect, in cages? He’s ok with bombing other countries where children sleep, because they’re in another country, so it doesn’t really matter? 

8th, he “protects/supported Israel”... he’s friends with Netanyahu, that’s the only reason he even got involved. However, it’s already been said that Trump is inflicting long-term damage on the US/Israel alliance. 

9th, he “requires other nations to do their part”. Yes, he does have a way with asking other countries to do his dirty work. He already has Russia and Ukraine working on his behalf. Or maybe it’s Putin working through Trump on Putin’s behalf. I think that’s more in line with what’s actually going on here. 

10th, he’s “slayed terrorism”? You do realize that ISIS still exists, right? 

11th, he’s “correcting healthcare”? Correcting what? Millions of Americans had healthcare because of the Affordable Care Act. You guys had a problem because you were told “you could keep your doctor” and then found out otherwise and I’m wondering if we can keep our healthcare and not be penalized for pre-existing conditions. I’m ok with going to another doctor, I’m not ok with being denied coverage. 

12th, he “rallies for higher unemployment rate”. Unemployment rates have been dropping since 2011, so it’s difficult to see this as anything other than what’s been trending than it has anything to do with Trump’s presidency. I’m sure the workers of GM who have lost their jobs don’t particularly like being unemployed because of Trump’s failed promises. 

13th, he “employs women as leaders”. Again, factually untrue. In cabinet level positions, Trump holds the lowest number since President George HW Bush. Bill Clinton actually holds the records highest women in leadership roles. 

14th, he “does NOT drink alcohol or take Drugs”. He doesn’t need to, he’s a narcissist and gets high off of praise of himself. He lives for admiration and accolades and is self-serving when it comes to every aspect of his life. And that is actually like a drug because he’d die without it. 

15th, he “donates his salary”. He does... and to his supporters, that’s a great talking point. However, it has been said that Trump’s golf outings have incurred costs totaling $109 million in taxpayer dollars. For someone making $400K a year, that would mean he’s spent 278 years worth of salary on golfing alone. It has also been said that “no president in history has imposed larger personal lifestyle costs on the taxpayer than Donald Trump”. So, sure, maybe he donates his salary, but what about all of his lifestyle costs you and I pay for via tax dollars and what is that adding to the national debt? 

To answer your last question to me, “can you admit this or do you focus on the bad with no forgiveness and no support for his leadership”. My answer to that is very clear. I admit fact, I believe in evidence and context and while you may spew the right’s talking points, you don’t delve into what’s actually occurring. You’re listening to right wing media, you’re listening to your president and you’re not searching for truth. That is the saddest part to all of this and it scares the majority of us who not only didn’t vote for him but who continue to not support him. I can’t support someone who has caused so much damage to this country. I WON’T support him! 

Now, if you’re still reading, I have a specific question for you. Let’s go to the beginning, before he was elected. Are you ok with him grabbing women by the p@$$%? Let’s start there and only there. We can continue to have dialogue but I’m curious as to whether it’s ok to sexually assault a woman?

That is where this post ended and to my surprise, she actually defended Trump’s sexual assault of women.  It’s simply astounding!  I went on to ask more questions and time after time, she defended him.