Saturday, February 8, 2020

Response to a Trump Supporter - 2/6/2020

President Trump was acquitted Wednesday in the Senate.  Not because he’s not guilty but because the Senators feared what their fate would be if they went after their authoritarian leader.  This is a response to a Trump Supporter, the very next day.

To start, I’ll just say that you didn’t answer my question. However, in response to your reply, I’ll go one by one with all the things you praise your president on and then I’ll ask a very specific question, to which I hope will be a specific answer with factual information rather than you spewing the talking points from the right. 

1st, he doesn’t “state facts bluntly”, because he doesn’t have the facts. He lies, and as of January 2020, he’s lied 16,241 times. With that said, he’s not worthy of anyone’s trust. 

2nd, “called folks names”, you’ve absolutely right. He’s called people some of the most horrible names and made fun of so many different people from almost all different races, religions, genders, etc. He’s a “mean girl” in a male wig. 

3rd, “he’s not a politician”. Words could not be truer and our country is suffering because of that. 

4th, “he is a great POTUS”, well that’s just BS and historians have already ranked him towards the bottom of the pack. That is just a factually inaccurate statement and one that history books will be written about for our eternity. 

5th, “his policies are solid”, again, factually inaccurate. Your president has flipped on more policies than I can count. Do you remember, he used to claim to be a Democrat, until he knew he couldn’t run and win as one? 

6th, “he protects OUR religion”, you mean he protects the Christian belief? He definitely doesn’t protect religious beliefs, or he wouldn’t have banned Muslims from our country because of theirs. This man is the furthest from a religious man than anyone in politics today. 

7th, he “saves lives of millions of aborted humans”. But he’s ok with keeping those same children he wants to protect, in cages? He’s ok with bombing other countries where children sleep, because they’re in another country, so it doesn’t really matter? 

8th, he “protects/supported Israel”... he’s friends with Netanyahu, that’s the only reason he even got involved. However, it’s already been said that Trump is inflicting long-term damage on the US/Israel alliance. 

9th, he “requires other nations to do their part”. Yes, he does have a way with asking other countries to do his dirty work. He already has Russia and Ukraine working on his behalf. Or maybe it’s Putin working through Trump on Putin’s behalf. I think that’s more in line with what’s actually going on here. 

10th, he’s “slayed terrorism”? You do realize that ISIS still exists, right? 

11th, he’s “correcting healthcare”? Correcting what? Millions of Americans had healthcare because of the Affordable Care Act. You guys had a problem because you were told “you could keep your doctor” and then found out otherwise and I’m wondering if we can keep our healthcare and not be penalized for pre-existing conditions. I’m ok with going to another doctor, I’m not ok with being denied coverage. 

12th, he “rallies for higher unemployment rate”. Unemployment rates have been dropping since 2011, so it’s difficult to see this as anything other than what’s been trending than it has anything to do with Trump’s presidency. I’m sure the workers of GM who have lost their jobs don’t particularly like being unemployed because of Trump’s failed promises. 

13th, he “employs women as leaders”. Again, factually untrue. In cabinet level positions, Trump holds the lowest number since President George HW Bush. Bill Clinton actually holds the records highest women in leadership roles. 

14th, he “does NOT drink alcohol or take Drugs”. He doesn’t need to, he’s a narcissist and gets high off of praise of himself. He lives for admiration and accolades and is self-serving when it comes to every aspect of his life. And that is actually like a drug because he’d die without it. 

15th, he “donates his salary”. He does... and to his supporters, that’s a great talking point. However, it has been said that Trump’s golf outings have incurred costs totaling $109 million in taxpayer dollars. For someone making $400K a year, that would mean he’s spent 278 years worth of salary on golfing alone. It has also been said that “no president in history has imposed larger personal lifestyle costs on the taxpayer than Donald Trump”. So, sure, maybe he donates his salary, but what about all of his lifestyle costs you and I pay for via tax dollars and what is that adding to the national debt? 

To answer your last question to me, “can you admit this or do you focus on the bad with no forgiveness and no support for his leadership”. My answer to that is very clear. I admit fact, I believe in evidence and context and while you may spew the right’s talking points, you don’t delve into what’s actually occurring. You’re listening to right wing media, you’re listening to your president and you’re not searching for truth. That is the saddest part to all of this and it scares the majority of us who not only didn’t vote for him but who continue to not support him. I can’t support someone who has caused so much damage to this country. I WON’T support him! 

Now, if you’re still reading, I have a specific question for you. Let’s go to the beginning, before he was elected. Are you ok with him grabbing women by the p@$$%? Let’s start there and only there. We can continue to have dialogue but I’m curious as to whether it’s ok to sexually assault a woman?

That is where this post ended and to my surprise, she actually defended Trump’s sexual assault of women.  It’s simply astounding!  I went on to ask more questions and time after time, she defended him.

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