Thursday, August 28, 2008

All Votes Are In...

The long journey for Barack, finally came to completion yesterday afternoon when Hillary Clinton's call for Obama to be approved by acclamation as the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States. When those words were spoken, the convention hall went nuts. Cheers in the crowd, screaming OBAMA, OBAMA, and YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN filled the room. It was finally what the Democrats wanted to see, Unity. For once, everyone seemed to come together, put aside their differences, and support Barack in his next journey in becoming President Barack Obama ~ that has a really nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Last night was quite an impressive evening. I thought all of the speeches were on point. They all seemed to take a stance to show the world why Barack is ready to lead this great nation. I have to say, my favorite speech of the night was Bill Clinton. He delivered in such a way that you could actually feel his passion for uniting the Democrats so we all come together to support such a wonderful candidate.

Bill Clinton's DNC Speech

Joe Biden's Acceptance Speech At The DNC

Tonight we come upon the 45th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have A Dream speech. Barack's acceptance speech couldn't come at a more perfect time. I'm sure Dr. King will be smiling down on Invesco Field tonight as Barack so eloquently delivers the speech of his life.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" Speech
August 28, 1963

For a transcript of Bill Clinton's DNC speech, go to:

For a transcript of Joe Biden's Acceptance speech, go to:

For a transcript of the I Have A Dream speech, go to:

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