Monday, November 10, 2008

Speaking of High Horse.....

Well, I guess Monica didn't like my response (see post below regarding Blog Etiquette), and this is what she had to say this time:

"@Shelley: I don't need you to promote my site. LET ME REPEAT...I DON'T NEED YOU TO PROMOTE MY SITE. It is well known THROUGHOUT blogland that this is some rude shit to do and whenever it's done on THIS site...the culprit is called out. Why? Because I can. You put your URL in the section that says URL and if folks click on your name then they will go to your site. Simple. Why in the WORLD would you think it's cool if you had to type it out twice and as far as you having your lil funky azz come to Jesus over here...child please...go sit your azz down somewhere hell. Everyone here knows who I am and your new blueness ain't changing that. Come back if you want to...don't if you don't. Simple. Monica Mingo(Folks think too highly of themselves bruh...really...)"

WHAT? Can someone tell me what the hell she's talking about?

I am truly surprised at how something so simple can jolt someone into a response like that.

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