Wednesday, February 24, 2010

American Idol - Boys Night Recap

I think the word of the night is NERVOUSNESS! All the guys seem so nervous tonight for some reason even more so than the girls did last night. The sound tonight was off, and I'm not so sure it was the contestants fault. Their voices didn't jive well with the band. It seems every year they say this year has better talent than the years prior, but I don't think that's the case this year. Not sure if it's really nerves or if they missed the ball with who they picked.

Lot's of TEXANS representing the boys this year.

My favorites... Aaron Kelly (great voice), Joe Dewyze (raspy, love the voice), Casey James (STEAMY-DREAMY!)

Todrick Hall... big fan of Todrick, not a fan of the arrangement, thought Simon was a little over the top by saying he murdered the original song.
Aaron Kelly... great voice, very good performance. I think he'll just get better as the weeks go by.
Jermaine Sellers... one of my all time favorite songs - "Get Here", didn't like the arrangement, very pitchy and did not like the high notes, very nervous.
Tim Urban... love his look!, again - didn't like the falsetto and very nervous.
Joe Muñoz... no WOW factor but pretty good, nervous.
Tyler Grady... last night I made the comment that Alicia Keys should not be replicated, the same goes for Lenny Kravitz.
Lee Dewyze... love the raspy voice, great song choice for him but a little pitchy in places, wish he would have stuck more to the original arrangement because I didn't recognize the song.
John Park... song sounds so old for him, pitchy in parts, too many runs - just sing!
Michael Lynche... love the back story of his baby girl being born during Hollywood Week, didn't like the arrangement, nervous, love his teddy bear persona.
Alex Lambert... very pitchy, somewhat lacking confidence, had a Robin Thicke vibe, cute little dimples.
Casey James... Kara cracks me up with her fascination with Casey, Cutie Patootie, Kara and Randy messed him up at the beginning doing their swaying back and forth, DREAMY with his interpretation of Heaven.
Andrew Garcia... so comfortable behind the mic, thought he could have brought a real rock vibe to the song, but he seamed to play it safe by pulling it down several notches, wish he would have knocked it out like he did with Paula's song. He absolutely deserves to be there next week.

Tonight was disappointing, seemed almost karaoke-ish!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

American Idol - Girls Night Recap

So, I've heard the 1st three contestants on AI tonight and I have a question....they let Angela Martin go, why? Really?? I haven't liked any of their song choices or voices for that matter. I know tonight is the 1st night on stage with the lights, camera and action but so far this is bad... really bad!

My favorites tonight.. Lilly Scott (original), Didi Benami (LOVE HER!), Crystal Bowersox (engaging), Katie Stevens (it's hard to believe she's only 17)!

Paige Miles... I felt like I was on a cruise ship.
Ashley Rodriguez... forgettable, above and beyond that though was her attitude. Her chip on her shoulder alone would keep me from voting for her!
Janell Wheeler... wrong song choice, seemed very nervous.
Katelyn Epperly...good voice, bad song choice, weird stage presence.
Haeley Vaughn... so cute and such a baby, not a big fan of her song choice and a little pitchy/twangy.
Lacey Brown... love her style, wrong arrangement, different.
Michelle Delamor... there are some singers you just don't try and replicate, Alicia Keys is one of them!
Siobhan Magnus... voice too low, nasally, looks like she's in severe pain.

The Judges
Simon was Simon, which I love. Kara, as always gave constructive criticism to help the contestants. Randy seemed tame tonight but maybe it's because it was girls night. Ellen did a great job for her first night! She knows what she likes and gives good advice when necessary.

No WOW factor with anyone, but it was a good night overall.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

American Idol Shocker

I am stunned that Angela Martin did not make it through to the top 24 on American Idol. She deserved to be put through. Angela has worked so hard over the last 3 seasons and she has such GREAT TALENT! Her back story was so touching but more than that, her talent alone should have gotten her through. I'm so sad for her but I hope this means this puts her even closer to her dream of being a singer. Someone needs to pick her up, STAT!

I'm so happy for all of my top picks from earlier in the season that made it through, but so sad for Angela. Congrats to the Top 24!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I pray that this story about John Edwards and Rielle Hunter are not true. The National Enquirer is reporting that John Edwards has proposed to Rielle and the two plan to wed after his divorce with Elizabeth Edwards is finalized. Normally I wouldn't put any merit to a story from the National Enquirer, but they are the ones that broke the story that he was having an affair and that the child Rielle had was John's. This will be such a sad event if this story is true. My heart goes out to Elizabeth, whether the story is true or not, what an awful place for her to be in her life.

American Idol - Hollywood Week 1

My favorite performances on AI last night were:
Andrew Garcia

Didi Benami

Lilly Scott

Crystal Bowersox

Who were your favorite contestants?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oprah's NO PHONE ZONE Pledge

I didn't want to write about this when the show originally aired, but now that my car has been a NO PHONE ZONE for 2 weeks, I thought I'd share my thoughts. The reason I did not want to write about it at first was because I needed to make sure I could do it before I tried convincing others to.

Before I get started on my soapbox, I'm so glad to announce that as of 6:30 pm on 2/4/2010, Oprah's pledge has been taken by 101,750 drivers. Hopefully that number will continue to grow. You can take the pledge by going to Also, if you want to watch the full episode of Oprah's No Phone Zone show, here is the link

What I've learned about talking and/or texting while driving:
1.) Your brain can not keep up with driving while talking/texting at the same time. As much as we'd like to think it can, it's just not possible.
2.) Talking on your cell phone while driving is no different than having a blood alcohol level of .08 and driving. Your risk of causing an accident while driving drunk is 4x more likely, the same of that as talking while driving.
3.) Texting while driving increases your chances of causing an accident by 8x. Double that of a drunk driver or a talking driver.
4.) You suffer from inattention blindness and your peripheral vision is blurred just as that of someone who sees tunnel vision when talking/texting while driving. So, those cars or bikes or pedestrians or that stop sign that you normally see while driving, well they don't appear when you're on the phone.
5.) Causing accidents related to talking/texting are 100% preventable. Yes, 100% preventable!

A few of my favorite quotes from the show:
"It's not where your hands are, it's where your head is."
"Don't tempt f8, that txt or call can w8."
"Honk if you love Jesus, text if you would like to meet him"

I'm so glad I took the pledge and I hope you will join me. Save a life, who knows it could be your own.

To find more information on this cause, visit: or

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Do you have a Kindle? What are your likes/dislikes?

Groundhog's Day 2010

Punxsutawney Phil makes his Groundhog Day prediction - Feb. 2, 2010. Unfortunately, it looks like we will have 6 more weeks of winter. YUCK! However, I'm not quite sure we should fall in to believing the cute little groundhog. It seems he's only correct in his predictions 39% of the time. Maybe he'll be wrong this year! Let's hope!

Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 Grammy's

Did you watch the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards last night? Unfortunately, I did not but I was able to catch a few of the performances today on YouTube. Out of what I've been able to see, Lady GaGa, Pink and the Michael Jackson Tribute have been my favorites. What's yours?

Lady GaGa


Michael Jackson Tribute