Tuesday, February 23, 2010

American Idol - Girls Night Recap

So, I've heard the 1st three contestants on AI tonight and I have a question....they let Angela Martin go, why? Really?? I haven't liked any of their song choices or voices for that matter. I know tonight is the 1st night on stage with the lights, camera and action but so far this is bad... really bad!

My favorites tonight.. Lilly Scott (original), Didi Benami (LOVE HER!), Crystal Bowersox (engaging), Katie Stevens (it's hard to believe she's only 17)!

Paige Miles... I felt like I was on a cruise ship.
Ashley Rodriguez... forgettable, above and beyond that though was her attitude. Her chip on her shoulder alone would keep me from voting for her!
Janell Wheeler... wrong song choice, seemed very nervous.
Katelyn Epperly...good voice, bad song choice, weird stage presence.
Haeley Vaughn... so cute and such a baby, not a big fan of her song choice and a little pitchy/twangy.
Lacey Brown... love her style, wrong arrangement, different.
Michelle Delamor... there are some singers you just don't try and replicate, Alicia Keys is one of them!
Siobhan Magnus... voice too low, nasally, looks like she's in severe pain.

The Judges
Simon was Simon, which I love. Kara, as always gave constructive criticism to help the contestants. Randy seemed tame tonight but maybe it's because it was girls night. Ellen did a great job for her first night! She knows what she likes and gives good advice when necessary.

No WOW factor with anyone, but it was a good night overall.

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