Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oprah's NO PHONE ZONE Pledge

I didn't want to write about this when the show originally aired, but now that my car has been a NO PHONE ZONE for 2 weeks, I thought I'd share my thoughts. The reason I did not want to write about it at first was because I needed to make sure I could do it before I tried convincing others to.

Before I get started on my soapbox, I'm so glad to announce that as of 6:30 pm on 2/4/2010, Oprah's pledge has been taken by 101,750 drivers. Hopefully that number will continue to grow. You can take the pledge by going to Also, if you want to watch the full episode of Oprah's No Phone Zone show, here is the link

What I've learned about talking and/or texting while driving:
1.) Your brain can not keep up with driving while talking/texting at the same time. As much as we'd like to think it can, it's just not possible.
2.) Talking on your cell phone while driving is no different than having a blood alcohol level of .08 and driving. Your risk of causing an accident while driving drunk is 4x more likely, the same of that as talking while driving.
3.) Texting while driving increases your chances of causing an accident by 8x. Double that of a drunk driver or a talking driver.
4.) You suffer from inattention blindness and your peripheral vision is blurred just as that of someone who sees tunnel vision when talking/texting while driving. So, those cars or bikes or pedestrians or that stop sign that you normally see while driving, well they don't appear when you're on the phone.
5.) Causing accidents related to talking/texting are 100% preventable. Yes, 100% preventable!

A few of my favorite quotes from the show:
"It's not where your hands are, it's where your head is."
"Don't tempt f8, that txt or call can w8."
"Honk if you love Jesus, text if you would like to meet him"

I'm so glad I took the pledge and I hope you will join me. Save a life, who knows it could be your own.

To find more information on this cause, visit: or

1 comment:

Try Safety First said...

Please understand driving is not a right, it is a privilege and we all have a responsibility to keep our roads as safe as possible. Each time there is an accident, we all pay for it. How do you think insurance rates are determined and who do think pays for the attending officers and fire rescue teams?