Thursday, October 30, 2008

Barack Obama - American Stories


DukeMom2008 said...

Okay, Shelly I come to your blog to read up on what you have to say regarding all things Barack and YOU don't have any thing written up on the "commercial?"

Where are your thoughts??? I know you have some.

I will be patiently awaiting your thoughts. Come on write them up, inquiring minds want to know. ;)

BTWOV said...

You're so right, however, I honestly believe Barack said it so much more eloquently than I ever could.

If you ask my opinion though, I thought Barack's infomercial was BRILLIANT. I look at his life and what he has come from and I see such hope and promise for the American people. He knows what most of us feel every day ~ from our struggles to our triumphs.

He brings me to tears when I hear him speak. Not because he is such a wonderful speaker, but because his life is what represents so many of us. For me, his life experiences define the characteristics of what I want in my next President.

One of Barack's favorite quotes comes from Martin Luther King, Jr. - "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." I believe that. I believe in Barack. I believe that he has our best interest at heart. I KNOW he is what we need at this point and time in our country. We need his economic expertice, We need his inexperience (isn't every new President inexperienced? No new President has the experience unless they are running for their 2nd term), We need to feel safe, We need to feel secure, We need to know our economy can make a change for the better, We need to know our troops will come home, We need to know that our healthcare system will be better than what we currently have, We need Barack Obama. We need HIM!

DukeMom2008 said...

I wholeheartly agree with everything you've so eloquently said. It is time for change and I believe he can definitely bring forth the change America needs. Barack, I feel, will be a President of and for the people (all people).