Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival

Tim and I are going to the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival in a few weeks. Surprisingly, I've been through New Orleans several times, but I've never been for a trip. The event spans over two weekends, but we have chosen to attend the 1st. If any of you have been to this event or to the city and would like to recommend some places to see and things to do, please do so. This trip should be so much fun! Tim and I don't get to travel much by ourselves, so I'm looking so forward to adult time.

Here we come New Orleans!

Oprah's Live Your Best Life Weekend

I'm so excited to be going to "O The Oprah Magazine's", 10th Anniversary, Live Your Best Life weekend in May. I was so fortunate to be able to get 2 tickets to the event, which is being held in New York City, NY.

I'm taking my Mom for Mother's Day and look so forward to the trip!

Oprah will be kicking off the event on Friday and then Saturday we're off to three seminars which include Dr. Oz, Nate Berkus and Peter Walsh. Saturday evening Oprah will be hosting an event at Radio City Music Hall and Sunday my Mom and I will be joining the Live Your Best Life walk in an effort to raise funds for 10 of Oprah's favorite charities.

Grame's Easter Treats For Laura

Thank you Mom for making Laura's classroom and dance class treats for Easter!! They were a hit with her dance class and she's taking the others to her classmates tomorrow. Luckily my mother has a creative side, because I sure don't!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sarah Palin's Comments - DESPICABLE & UNACCEPTABLE!!!

Inciting violence against members of congress is UNACCEPTABLE! Sarah Palin has made several comments since the Health Care Reform Bill was signed last week and it clearly shows she does not have the best interest of the American People at heart.

I have NEVER been a Sarah Palin supporter and question those who have like minded views. She is a raving lunatic who clearly doesn't understand that her words are taken very seriously. Even though she thinks her remarks (as she uses folksy, wink-wink, tilt of the head moves) shouldn't incite violence, they do. People, crazy as they are, take her remarks serious and make her thoughts their reality.

Just last week, Palin released a map of the United States with districts of key representatives who voted for health care reform, marked with cross-hair symbols. She then went on to release the following statement, "The crossfire is intense, so penetrate through enemy territory by bombing through the press, and use your strong weapons -- your Big Guns -- to drive to the hole. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win."

Agree with the Health Care Reform Bill or not, that is DESPICABLE!

Sarah goes on to say, "Get in their face and argue with them. No matter how tough it gets, never retreat, instead RELOAD!"


But it's not just Sarah Palin leading people to take such despicable acts of violence against our Congressmen, it's others too. Rep. Michele Bachmann said she wants her constituents "armed and dangerous" against the Obama administration. I'm embarrassed to say that my own state has contributed to this type of rhetoric as Rep. Randy Neugebauer yelled "baby killer" at Bart Stupak on the House floor. Rep. Devin Nunes of California said Tea Partiers had "every right" to use racist and homophobic slurs against Democrats.

Who gives him, or anyone else for that matter, that right? It's not only despicable but it's unacceptable behavior and has to be stopped! I don't know what the answer is to stopping such horrific acts of violence, but something has to give. You know, when I was supporting the Barack Obama campaign for Presidency, he said "change would not come easy", I knew that to be a true statement. I guess I just never thought it to be this hard and this dirty either. It's come down to plain old dirty politics.

I don't think it's politics as usual, it's escalated and it must be stopped!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


OMG, I just heard the funniest freaking thing...

"Talk to the booty, because the hand is off duty."

How funny is that? I heard it on The Real Housewives of New York and it had me CRACKIN' UP!

Grame & Pops visit for Spring Break!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Good, True Friend???

I've never had one!

As a child I thought I had 3 Best Friends but looking back, they were not what I'd call true friends after all.

One friend was only there when it was convenient for her and even then our conversations were focused around her and what was going on in her life. When she lost weight and found a boyfriend, that's when I really lost what I thought was my friend. There was no more time for the other 3 amigos, it was all about her new love.

The 2nd friend was one that I spent a lot of time with. We went through many happy and sad times together and I was there through them all. I even stuck around after I found out that she really liked the same guy I did. In my opinion, as a teenager, friends were more important to me than what boy I had a crush on at the time. That all changed when I called her a BITCH the 2nd time it happened, only this time it was my steady boyfriend that she chose to see for months behind my back. I ended up apologizing to HER and broke it off with my boyfriend trying to mend the broken fence. But... because I called her a bitch for dating MY boyfriend behind MY back, SHE stopped talking to ME... not just for a few weeks, for years.! It wasn't until our other friend passed away that we even reconciled, if you can even call it that. Our friendship now is that of yearly calls and Christmas Cards.

The 3rd friend in the group, was really more of an acquaintance now that I look at. We hung out because our families knew each other, nothing more nothing less.

Now I'm an adult and it's sad for me to say that I've never had a best friend. I think I gave up on that idea long ago, very long ago. When the 3 people you think are your best friends as a child don't listen to your thoughts and your ideas, cheat with your boyfriend and then turn around and walk away from the friendship, and when the 3rd friend you finally realize played no important roll in your life... it's pretty easy to figure out why you don't form close relationships with people as an adult. I don't trust many people in my life, in fact very few.

I've tried to form relationships as an adult, but I always find the same 3 I had as a child. I either find one that is so self absorbed that I can't stand to be around them for any length of time, I find one that could care less what I have to say (looking through me as I speak, not at me), or I find the occasional acquaintance. They don't care about me and then I end up caring even less about them!

Maybe one day I'll find that friend, but for now I'm OK with just me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Michael Lynche's performance on AI last night

Michael's performance from last night was "post" worthy. Loved it and he knew he nailed it when that song was over. Congrats Big Mike!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

American Idol - Only Room For Six Boys

I hope the guys do more than the girls did last night. Here we go, let's see what they've got...

Lee - such a current song choice, love that raspy voice of his, pitchy in places but very good performance overall.
Alex - Love this song, very controlled voice, seemed a little more confident this week and I just love that sweet boyish face.
Tim - very good song choice for his voice, I thought he did a really good job this week, very nice tone, controlled. The only thing I would have liked to have seen is him sitting on a stool strumming the guitar. Cute dimples!! OK, that was a first... Ellen just got up to give a hug.
Andrew - Christina Aguilera is such a hard singer to follow, hmmmmm.... it was just ok, no WOW factor, a little flat. Is it weird he only sings songs that are sung by women?
Casey - ohhhhh, such a great song for him, it was AWESOME!! So deep, you could see his vulnerability! LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT!!!
Aaron - bad start, I think he got off on the wrong foot. However, I liked it once he got to the chorus. Seemed a little more nervous tonight than weeks past... he needs to sit back on the stool and not dance. LOL! I don't like it when Kara uses Honey & Sweetie when talking to the contestants, it's condescending.
Todrick - the beginning didn't work for me at all, but once he got 1/2 way through it wasn't all that bad. Loved Simon's take on his performance - "American Idol, The Musical".
Mike - that boy can sang!!!! when he got into the melody, LOVED IT!! Mike knew he did it, did you see that smile on his face when he moved the mic? OK Kara, that was a little over the top with the tears. Loved that he sang that song on the week his wife was in the audience. You could tell he was singing that song to her - "A Woman's Work". Beautiful!

Not sure why Randy has said in the past that it's the girls year to win, because the guys are doing so much better. The guys were hot tonight!

I know I gave Kara a hard time, but I still really like her as a judge. She gives precise, clear, constructive criticism that the contestants can really use to grow.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

American Idol - Only Room For Six Girls

Let's get right to it?

Katie - I didn't think it was a good song choice at all, yes, it's a younger song choice, but it was slow. It didn't show her young spunky personality, which she needed to show tonight. Pitchy in places, the song seemed to swallow her whole.
Siobhan - very controlled, a little slower than I would have thought she would have picked, seemed safe to me.
Lacey - she has the most beautiful eyes! Her voice still seems nervous to me. Definitely more controlled than prior weeks, but I didn't like the song choice for her. I so agree with Simon, I don't think she's found the right song to figure out what kind of artist she would be.
Katelyn - wish she wouldn't have used the piano tonight, this is a song she needs to be out there dancing to - actually performing instead of standing behind the piano. Seemed robotic. Liked the song choice for her and her voice was controlled. Last week they said she seemed corny, but she seemed even more so tonight for me.
Didi - love her, but she is putting me to sleep with this song tonight. This could be a big mistake for her. Very surprised with the judges response.
Paige - too nervous, cabaret-ish, something seems off with her voice tonight... not what we're used to. She's shown she can sing, but this may send her home! She could have left the love for Michael Jackson out of her response as to why she was so emotional singing the song. Unnecessary!
Crystal - the crowd needs to quit clapping. Bluesy, finally livening up the crowd. She seems so connected to every song she sings. Loved the ending for her, she really showcased her amazing voice. THE BEST!
Lilly - like her but I thought the song was a little too big for her (Patsy Cline is a hard singer to replicate). Not a fan of the song choice. You could tell she was not happy with the song either once she finished singing and moved the mic. I could see it in her eyes.

What was up with the girls tonight? They seemed to be all over the place! I don't even know if I can pick six that I actually liked.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Crystal Bowersox performance on AI last night

I loved Crystal's performance so much last night I had to listen to it again this morning. I thought I'd share it with those of you who didn't get to watch last night. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

American Idol - Girls Night Recap

My favorites... Crystal (LOVED IT), Katie (liked it a lot), Lilly (Great Performance), Katelyn (liked it), Paige (liked it, liked it).

Crystal - glad she made it tonight and hope she's feeling better. Natural, not forced, bluesy and great tone to her voice, the song was believable. I would hate to be the girls that have to follow her.
Haeley - a little pitchy, the song seems too big for her voice, not sure that will get her through to next week. Go Ryan, call Simon out!
Lacey - no, no, no... I feel like I'm sitting at a bar on karaoke night. LOL, Randy just said the same thing - so funny! To me, this song was worse than last. It didn't work!
Katie - she's got a great sense of humor. WOW, very nice voice, great stage presence, love the song choice... I think Corinne Bailey Rae would be very proud!
Didi - love her, but didn't care for the song choice, it felt like I was watching a cell phone commercial and the pace was so slowwww. I hated to see her cry, she's got to get thicker skin if she wants to make it in that business.
Michelle - don't like the arrangement, voice was less than mediocre, wanted it to END. Was Kara drinking Paula's juice tonight? She could not be serious about that being Michelle's best so far!
Lilly - great song choice for her voice, like her quirky style, very original.
Katelyn - she said it best by describing it as intimate, is really was. A little pitchy in places, loved the slowness of the song, emotional version and my favorite performance of hers so far.
Paige - nice-strong voice, fun song for her, great stage presence. Totally disagree with Simon's take on her performance.
Siobhan - she has a great voice, she can sing, but not Aretha's song. WHOA, that last yell was ear piercing. LOL, Ellen with the snuggie joke - crackin' me up! Siobhan needs some help with her interviewing skills.

Ladies, ladies, ladies... I have to say I enjoyed it much more than the guys from last night. I had to go back and watch Crystal again. I thought she was FABULOUS!

You know, Ryan asked a great question at the beginning, "Why is Kara all up on Simon?" It does seem like she's sitting on his lap this season.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This being the final season of Lost, I thought I would have some of my questions answered. Well, that's not the case. I'm still lost and don't know how the questions we all have are going to be answered in the next 11 episodes. It doesn't help that they keep breaking in to give Voting Info. Unless it's the presidential election, just run the stats at the bottom of the screen. That will do just fine!

So, is anyone as lost as I am? What happened tonight? Where were Jack and Hurley tonight? Are they still sitting on the side of the cliff looking for answers to their own questions? Was Sayid really infected by some mysterious disease. What is up with Locke, or is it Locke at all? Where is Sawyer, where does he fit in in all of this. Who's side is he on? Is it going to turn out to be a story of the good and the evil with Locke being the evil one and Jack being the good one?

I'm so confused!

Favorite Teacher?

Who was your favorite teacher in school? It can be any teacher, from any grade level. Why was he/she your favorite? How did they shape who you are today?

American Idol - Boys Night Recap

OK guys, this week was a little better than last...

My favorites... Mike (Liked), Alex (LOVED), Lee (Liked)

Now, lets get to my critiques of each contestant.

Mike - really good, controlled performance. Liked it!
John - little pitchy but great song choice for him.
Casey - somewhat safe, needed to slow it down... too fast, voice seemed to tremble a little much as if he weren't comfortable up there. Kara was a little hard on him this week.
Alex - great voice, great song choice... just right for his voice, much more confident and comfortable on stage. LOVED IT!
Todrick - definitely better than last week, still a little pitchy, too many runs, when you're singing a Tina Turner song you have to be on point and he just wasn't there.
Jermaine - good once he got into the melody... seemed a little more comfortable once he got to the melody, still a little pitchy and cruise shipish for me.
Andrew - great tone to his voice, liked to see him know he could do it without his guitar. He had my daughter swaying back and forth, LOL!
Aaron - wrong song choice, has a great voice, but didn't seem to hit the notes quite right, didn't feel it like I did last week. So surprised by the judges comments until they got to Simon, he hit the critique right on.
Tim - ADORABLE face, great song choice for him but he didn't pull off the song like I wanted him too... much improved from last week!
Lee - loved the entrance, loved the tone of that voice. Original, genuine, current!