Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This being the final season of Lost, I thought I would have some of my questions answered. Well, that's not the case. I'm still lost and don't know how the questions we all have are going to be answered in the next 11 episodes. It doesn't help that they keep breaking in to give Voting Info. Unless it's the presidential election, just run the stats at the bottom of the screen. That will do just fine!

So, is anyone as lost as I am? What happened tonight? Where were Jack and Hurley tonight? Are they still sitting on the side of the cliff looking for answers to their own questions? Was Sayid really infected by some mysterious disease. What is up with Locke, or is it Locke at all? Where is Sawyer, where does he fit in in all of this. Who's side is he on? Is it going to turn out to be a story of the good and the evil with Locke being the evil one and Jack being the good one?

I'm so confused!

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