Monday, June 8, 2009

Fabulous Weekend

I had one of the best weekends I've had in quite a long time. My SUV did not make it out of the garage and my body did not physically leave our yard. It was so nice! Saturday morning I got up and did the normal spring/summer, weed picking, out in the yard "stuff". Then Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday, Laura and I spent time outside soaking up the sun and hanging out on the back porch. Tim got all of things he needed to do done on Saturday so he was able to take some much needed time to rest yesterday. Tim is not one for just sitting outside all day, or sitting inside all day for that matter, but he would come and visit Laura and I from time to time. It was wonderful to spend time outside, without the TV, catching up with them both. During the week it's hard to find time to spend quality time with them. By the time we get home, go through the mail, cook dinner, take our evening walk/run, pick up from the night before and get baths, it's time for bed and/or time to veg out in front of the TV. So, it was nice to just RELAX this past weekend. Hopefully we can enjoy more of those in the near future.

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