Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Possible Debris Found From Missing Flight 447

Authorities are not confirming the story, but it seems as though debris has been found in the Atlantic Ocean, which they think could be from the missing flight that went down early Monday morning. 228 people were on board when the plane disappeared off the radar leaving everyone to speculate as to what could have happened? There were severe thunderstorms in the area and now they are saying possible hail and heavy winds could also be a factor.

Do you ever think of not making it to your next destination when you board a plane? I try not to, but sometimes find that difficult to do. Especially when I fly alone, which is not often, but when I do my mind wonders "will this be the last trip" and will my family be OK if I weren't here?

My husband does a great deal of traveling and I always make sure I say a little prayer as he walks out the door, to bring him back safe and sound. My heart goes out to the families of those who are missing. I can't even imagine what a difficult time it must be for them.

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