Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hate it with a capital H! I talked so much as a teenager that now as an adult I can not stand it! When my phone rings, I cringe and grit my teeth. Idle chit chat does nothing for me. Sitting on the other line hearing the other person breath is not my idea of fun. How much can one person say to another, is there really that much to talk about especially with someone you know well? Unless you have something to discuss with me, other than your own random thoughts, why call me? You know I'm going to sit on the other line as you listen to me breath? If you know this about me, why get frustrated when I react the same way I did the last time you called. If I have not talked to you in a while or have not seen you in years, I'm game for catching up to see how and what you've been up to. If not, what's the purpose of a call to ask if I knew the sky was blue today?

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