Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Domestic Harmony

I can't take credit for the title. I actually heard Lisa Oz use the term this morning on Oprah & Friends. However, when I heard it, it made complete sense to me. Domestic Harmony has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I thought about my own household and whether or not Tim and I bring domestic harmony to our family and I have to toot my own horn, we do.

Tim and I have such a loving and respectful relationship with one another. Now, that's not to say we don't disagree on things from time to time but overall we really care about each other as a person and each others opinions. We also care about the opinion of our daughter. We strive to raise her in an environment where she is not involved in parental squabbles. She sees her Mommy and Daddy as two loving people who care and respect one another. It's visual for her. I hope this enables her to find a mate that will treat her with the same respect her father has for me.

Unfortunately, this topic also reminds me of those children who are in a place of total discord. Those who see their mother and father verbally and physically abuse one another. I can't imagine putting a child through that kind of stress. As an adult you think it's hard on you, but think of a child who can't really interpret what's going on during an argument between their mother and father. These are the ones that are suppose to love and support you but if they can't love and support one another, how can they even begin to love and support a child. Children do as they see and if a child sees the abuse they will more than likely grow up to do the same.

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