Sunday, July 12, 2009

What a prick!

Jon Gosselin is such a lying prick!! Family friend my ass. Jon and his "girlfriend", Hailey Glassman (Doctor's daughter that performed Kate's tummy tuck) are photographed in Saint Tropez this weekend. What a prick!

Update 7/13 - You know, I'm not done with this prick! I don't care how Kate treated Jon! Not to say she wasn't wrong for treating him like he was a child, but if you act like a child then you should be treated like a child. He knew what type of personality she had when he proposed marriage to her. He definitely knew what she was like when they decided to get pregnant with the twins and by the 2nd pregnancy he knew how she was as a wife and mother. So, don't give me this BS that he was tired of the way he was being treated - he was tired of having a wife and 8 children and knowing Kate wore the pants in their relationship. They haven't even divorced yet and he's gallivanting in public with his mistress.

Kate, here's what I think - GOOD RIDDANCE and now you can take him for all he's worth (actually you were the one that would probably have had to pay him alimony but maybe now with pictures of his infidelity you wont have to)!

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