Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is Sarah Palin really Rouge?

Sarah Palin was given a golden opportunity yesterday to take a stand and explain who she was and once again she failed to deliver. Why would you not take advantage of such a platform as being on stage with the Queen of interviewing herself, Oprah Winfrey, and not give solid, direct answers to the questions you're being asked? I don't know any more about Sarah Palin today than I did when she was running for VP. She skirted around the questions just as she did on the campaign trail. She's not even in politics anymore, yet her answers were very scripted, very politician like. I'm curious to see if she'll run in 2012. I hope and pray she doesn't, but I'm a little concerned that it is actually on her radar screen even though she said in the Oprah interview that it wasn't.

Anyone who knows me, knows I am far from being a supporter of Sarah Palin or the Republican Party. However, I did go into the interview with an open mind. I wanted to see who Sarah really was. I wanted honest, direct answers and I didn't get that. Take for example the question about Levi being invited to Thanksgiving. That's a simple yes or no question and doesn't require much if any explanation. We all know what kind of person Levi is, so just answer the question, YES or NO! Not, "Oh the thought of that is just so lovely"? Huh, lovely how?

Now, with all that said I do have to give her credit for even doing the interview with Oprah. Her supporters and non-supporters were not too thrilled that she was even going to do it. However, I do think Oprah was very respectful as was Sarah regarding each others political views and choices.

Did you see the interview and if so, what are your thoughts? Supporter or not, are you going to be reading her book, Going Rogue?

How Could This Happen?

My thoughts and prayers go out to the father of Shaniya Davis, whose body was found yesterday near Sanford, NC. To this day, I can not understand how anyone can harm a child. If the allegations are true, that Shaniya's mom has any responsibility for her murder I hope they throw her under the jail! We're not supposed to harm our children!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Who will be watching the Oprah Winfrey interview today with Sarah Palin?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy... Now Relax.... AHHHH

The last few weeks have been so busy and I've not had a chance to blog. Oh, how I've missed it!

Let's start with 4 weeks ago... we started the Saturday (10/17) out at a fall festival with Lisa and Wyatt. Wyatt and Laura had a great time playing in the pumpkin patch and picking out their pumpkins. Laura and I had to leave a little early this year so that she could go to her friend, Crystal's Birthday Party. The party started at 4:00, but lasted into the night. They all had such a good time together and had a hard time when it was time for the parents to disburse.

That next week Laura and I stayed pretty busy preparing for her Birthday Party, which was 10/24. Her theme this year was Hello Kitty, so we had to get all of the supplies; cake, balloons, napkins, plates, goodie bags, etc. ready for Saturday. She wasn't too thrilled with the planning part of it, all she wanted was the actual party itself. I was very surprised at the kind of party Laura asked for this year. Tim and I take her to this place near our house and it has bowling, laser tag and gaming machines. Well, that's what she wanted to do this year. As girly as she is, I was surprised she wanted to have it there. But, I have to say all the kids seemed to enjoy it. Because Laura's Birthday was actually during the week, we decided to go ahead and give her the big gift before the big day.Now Tim and I both thought we would get a much bigger reaction than we did. Tim showed up with Laura's new puppy, Lilly, that she had been asking for all year and her response to Lilly was just "Hello". Are you kidding me? We thought there would be jumping and screaming and all we got was "hello"? Oh well, I guess you never can tell how they're going to react, can you? Laura and Lilly were able to spend a little bit of time together and then it was off to her party.They all seemed to have a really good time, and the boys really enjoyed the laser tag . I think that was the highlight for all of them.

My Parents always come in for Laura's Birthday, so the week they are here I try and find fun things for them to do. One of the Keener traditions is going to Dewberry Farms so Laura can pick out another pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. So, we headed there for our Sunday afternoon. This year, now that Tim's Dad and Stepmother live in Katy, we ended up having a larger crowd - me, Tim, Laura, Grame, Pops, MawMaw and PawPaw. Now that Laura is older we decided to do the Corn Maze this year. That was a lot of fun and will be a new tradition at Dewberry from now own!

The next week seemed to be a little hectic. Laura's dance instructor gave them all permission to wear their costumes to the Tuesday class but before Laura could wear hers, Grame had to do some alterations. Luckily Grame came through and had her outfit all ready for her when we got there Tuesday afternoon. The rest of the week we were all getting ready for Halloween and Tim and I actually got a few date nights in. What fun! It's nice to be able to get out and have adult nights from time to time. One of our date nights was a movie night. We saw the Michael Jackson movie, "This Is It". It was really good!! We both enjoyed it. The movie seemed to be a little long, but all in all it was nicely done. It's hard to imagine putting together a movie about MJ's final dance/dress rehearsal, but they did and did it well!

Saturday rolled around, which happened to be Halloween (10/31). I had gotten tickets for me, Laura and Grame to see the musical, Mary Poppins.Laura thoroughly enjoyed it. It was fun to watch her expressions during the show. At times you'd see her little hands go up in the air when Mary was singing in a higher octave and when the orchestra played, it was like she was the conductor. Too funny!

After the musical, we had to hurry home to get dressed up for Trick-Or-Treating. Laura ended up being a Hollywood Starlet. This was the first time we've ever let Laura wear "dress-up" make-up. I have to say, she looked so pretty. Looking at her all glammed up, made me think about 10 years from now, when she's getting ready for her prom. Oh, time is just flying by so quickly. Lilly also got dolled up for the festivities. She went as a Princess Pup. Too cute!! By the time we got both Laura and Lilly home, they were pooped from the day.

Sunday, Mom and Dad had to head back to North Carolina. That day always seems to be a hard day for everyone. We all get a little sad that we wont be seeing each other for a few months. So, I had planned earlier in the week for Laura and Wyatt to get together and go to the park for the afternoon. I think that seemed to help a little bit, but even when we left the park the tears came because Grame and Pops would not be there when she got home. Now that she's older, it seems to affect her more.

Now, fast forward to the next weekend (11/6). For Tim's Birthday (in September), I surprised him by flying his best friend from childhood, Chad along with his wife, Joanna down for a weekend in November. This would be that weekend. They got in around 6:30, just in time for dinner. We all went to Pappadeaux's and it was wonderful. This was one of the first restaurants I visited after moving to TX and have loved it ever since. After dinner we headed back to the house to get ready for an adult night out. Laura was having a sleepover with MawMaw and PawPaw. We ended up taking Chad and Joanna to see a local band that Tim and I really like, Lounge 4407. We had such a great time. The band was, as always, fabulous! Tim really enjoyed catching up with Chad and it was so nice to hang out with his wife. They were both so nice and great to hang out with.

Now after a month of being busy and on the go and what seemed to be nonstop, we finally had a calm, relaxing weekend. This past one was one of the first in quite some time that we didn't have anything planned. I got so much done around my house. Don't get me wrong, I still have a ton to do (my piles never seem to go away). But, we had a great time. Last night we ended up having movie night so Tim and Laura made homemade pizza's. Earlier in the day, Laura asked if she could open up a concession stand and sell popcorn and candy at the movie. So, she and I had gotten some things for her to "sell" at her concession stand. She had such a great time doing that. She charged me a little more than I would have liked to have paid for a candy bar, but to her it was so much fun.

Ah, I think I've rambled on long enough. Hope everyone is doing well. Just think, in a few more days it will be Turkey Day. YUM YUM!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

World Series - Game 2

It was great to see the Yankees win last night in NY against the Phillies, especially on a night when Jay-Z and Alicia Keys performed their hit song, Empire State Of Mind. How I would have loved to have been in NY to see it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Michael Jackson's final curtain call, "This Is It"

Tim and I went to see MJ's movie, "This Is It" last night and I have to say I was quite impressed. I have new found respect and admiration for his creative talent. The only negative I have about the whole movie was the length. It could have been about a 1/2 hour shorter, but all in all it kept my attention the whole time. That was a great feat in and of itself, being that we went to the 10:15 movie and I am normally in bed by 10:00. It was great to see the King of Pop in action. The way he moved, made it so very hard for me to believe he was 50. He moved like a teenager and kept me dancing and singing the entire time. Watching the movie also made it so hard to think that MJ is actually dead. I really believe he was taken too soon. I was not a fan of MJ as a person, but his music and dancing abilities were like none other. Genius, pure Genius!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

RIP - Ashley Jewell

I'm a "Housewives of Atlanta" follower and was stunned at the news of Kandi's ex-fiance, Ashley Jewell, AKA "AJ", being killed over the weekend. My thoughts and prayers go out to AJ's family and friends, especially his children who are left behind.

Friday, October 2, 2009


What does it mean when you open a fortune-less fortune cookie? That's what just happened to me.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

They grow so fast!

Laura's School asked that all the kids wear their favorite college t-shirt today (or the one they would like to attend) and she has already decided she wants to go to Texas A&M to pursue her degree in Veterinary Medicine. A few weeks ago when they told her about the college t-shirt day, she came home and asked us what the best Vet schools were. Luckily one of the top 5 showed up in Texas, Texas A&M as well as our home state of North Carolina, NC State University. I have to keep in mind that Laura is only 5 years and 11 months and things may change down the road, but I don't think I was really talking about what I wanted to do at that age. Heck, I'm still trying to figure it out!

Tim and I have been so proud of Laura this year. Even though Laura had gone through a Private Kindergarten class, she could not start 1st Grade in the public school system because of her age. We new she was ready, but she had to prove that to her new teachers. Well, after testing the first 3 weeks of the school year, Laura was promoted into 1st Grade. Her teacher as well as the testing teacher and Principal were so pleased with what all Laura knew. They said she was already cable of reading, writing and had math skills of that of a 2nd grader. I can not tell you how big our smiles got when they said that. We knew she seemed very smart for her age, but until you have someone else who verifies it, it doesn't sink in. Tim and I both hope and pray that she'll continue down this path and like school as much as she does now.

Laura is not only into school, but she also loves to dance. Around the time the school year started, we joined a new dance studio. The one Laura used to attend was through her daycare and they came to her once a week. She seems to really enjoy her new class and loves her teacher, Ms. Erika. In fact this past week, Laura was chosen to go in the front of the class with the teacher as a helper. She seemed to do a really good job and had fun doing it, as you'll see in the picture below.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Help Little Luke

I came across this story while surfing the web this morning and was so taken back by how quickly our lives can change. I thought about how heartbreaking this would be if it happened to me and about the mother and father having to live through this nightmare.

Here is what transpired... "On Wednesday, September 2, 2009, little four-year-old Lucas Holko was sitting with his parents, Chad and Nicole at a Mahoning Valley Scrapper’s game. He was sitting on his father’s lap chatting with his mom when he was struck in the back of the head by a line drive foul ball. Luke underwent immediate surgery at St. Elizabeth’s hospital to remove the piece of fractured skull that was depressing his brain and spinal cord. He has since been transferred to Akron Children’s Hospital where he remains in critical condition. The family requests continuous prayer for this strong little boy who is so precious to them."

The picture you see below is Luke just minutes before he was struck. I'm hoping those of you who read my blog will help Luke, monetarily or through prayer. I'm attaching the link to his website where you can send Luke an encouraging email or donate to help Luke and his family.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Birthday Weekend

This past weekend, Tim and I celebrated our Birthdays in Dallas, TX with our little one, Laura. For Tim's Christmas present, I had bought tickets for the NHRA Race. Tim has been wanting to go since we got here, so I thought it would be something fun for all of us to do. Unfortunately, I think Laura was too little to enjoy being at the races. She did not get in to it at all. At the beginning, she was ok as you can see in the picture above, but the mood quickly changed once the Top Fuel cars started to race. Even though Laura wore protective head phones on her ears, it was too much for her. Every time the cars would start their burnout, Laura would just cry. I ended up getting her down from the stands and she and I walked around to all of the vendors and to some of the little "shops". We ended up getting her another stuffed animal, like she doesn't have enough, and that seemed to work for a while. Then it got so hot and once again the tears started because all she wanted to do was leave. Needless to say, we weren't there for the whole day but Tim did get to see some of his favorite cars.

We also got to see Ashley Force Hood, as well as her dad, 14-time NHRA Funny Car National Champion, John Force. That was the highlight of my trip. If you don't know them for drag racing, you may know them from their reality show "Driving Force". It's one we never missed an episode of.

After leaving the track, we ended up having a relaxing afternoon and headed home Sunday after having lunch with one of Tim's old bosses, Sam and his wife Fran. If you're ever in Dallas, you must go to Babe's Chicken. We go every time we're there and it's well worth it.

Overall, we had a good time and if nothing else... next time we know Laura will not be happy at the drag strip.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Anniversary Honey (09-09-09)

It's amazing to think we married 9 years ago today. Yes, it was Tim's brilliant plan to get married on the 9th month on the 9th day in the year 2000. That way he would always remember our Anniversary. Well, today is an even more significant year. It's the 9th month, the 9th day in the year 2009 and we've been married 9 years. I've had a great 9 years years and look forward to many more of them.

We've had our ups and downs and neither one of us has been perfect, but we've hung in there.... together. We've remained side by side and I'm so glad we did. I'm married to my best friend, to the one that's there to listen to my trials and tribulations, to make me smile when I need it most. Many of you don't know this, but Tim does everything for our family. I mean that when I say it. Everything! He doesn't hold the same belief that most husbands do, that a woman's job is to cook, clean and take care of the children. He's better than that, he does it all. Yes, he cooks, he cleans, he does the laundry, he does the grocery shopping and the best thing I know that he does, he looks after Laura and I. I'm so appreciative of everything he does. I don't say it enough but I'm so appreciative. Here's to another 9 years... I look forward to them all! Love you Babe!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So Sad

Back in May of this year, I blogged about Frank and Anita Milford celebrating their 81st Wedding Anniversary. They are the oldest couple on record to make it 81 years. Unfortunately, I've learned today that Frank has passed away, ending their 81year romance. My heart goes out to Mrs. Milford!

Original Post: http://behindthewallsofvanderwilt.blogspot.com/2009/05/congratulations.html

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Laura's First Day Of School

Yesterday was my little ones first day of school! The night before, she was so excited. She wanted to get her clothes ready for the whole week and get her backpack in order with things she thought she may need. She also wanted to get her hair curled, so I put her hair up in curlers to sleep in.

We met the teacher last week at "Meet The Teacher" night and Laura really liked her even from the first introduction. Each of the students were given "fairy dust" to sprinkle on their pillows the night before school, so they would get good rest and have wonderful dreams about their first day of school. So, before it was time to lay her little head down, she took the "fairy dust" and sprinkled it over her pillow. When I went to get her up yesterday morning, she was already wide awake. She said she got her rest, but was so anxious to get up and get ready that she woke up early. Don't you just remember those days?

Tim and I took her to school and she was grinning ear to ear. I don't think she had any fear about this new adventure. You see Laura had already finished Kindergarten, but it was at a much smaller private school. I knew she was used to being dropped off in the morning, but I was expecting her to get a little nervous about it all but she wasn't. When we got into the classroom, she said hello to her new teacher, placed her snack in the "snack bin" and took her seat. She was a little bashful when we went to give her a hug, but once we told her to have a great 1st day and that we couldn't wait to hear all about it that night, she turned to us and "bye, bye... I love you" and Tim and I left. Surprisingly, neither one of us shed a tear. We did really well! I think had she been upset, it would have been a little different, but she was a real trooper.

I did good all day long, until it was time for her to catch her bus to the daycare. This would be Laura's 1st time ever catching the bus. I mean, she would go on field trips through her other school, but this was different. She had to find her bus, and then know when to get off the bus. I was a little frazzled. I asked Tim to head to her daycare and see how she was when she got off the bus, but Daddy had another idea in mind. He decided to follow the bus from school until she made her stop. Anyone who knows Laura knows she's a Daddy's Girl.... I wonder why? Tim saw her get up from her seat and wave at the daycare director who was waiting there for her. She got off the bus all smiles. I felt so much better.

I couldn't wait to get home to hear all about her day. As soon as I walked in, the discussion began about how much fun she had. She really liked her teacher, and she even met a few new friends. She talked about going to lunch and how she didn't really like the food. She asked if she could take her lunch the next day, but said she would try from time to time what the cafeteria had. They got to go out yesterday afternoon for recess and Laura told me all about how much bigger the equipment was and that there were so many more swings than at her old school. She went on to tell us about her bus ride home and how the bus went right by her house, which she thought was really cool. The only thing Ms. Priss didn't like was that the school bus didn't have seat belts. She didn't think that was very safe. Luckily, Laura doesn't have that far of a ride from school to daycare and that eased her mind.

All in all, she had a wonderful day. I took her again this morning and she went right in, kissed me goodbye and turned to do her morning routine. It's amazing how quickly they grow up and how soon they gain their independence. I'm so proud of her and what she has learned at such a small age. I can't wait to see her progress this year. It seems we're off to a great start.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Feeling old @ 35

Sitting here at lunch, I realize how old I'm actually getting. I'm sitting outside at Thai Sticks - it's 97 degrees, a rather cold front for Houston - listening to 3 kids who recently graduated from college a few years ago talking about what certifications they need to become lead teachers.

Now that's not what makes me feel old, their conversation about their love lives make me feel old. Out of college but still in a high school state of mind when it comes to love. One of the teachers is a smokehouse, as she takes one cigarette right after another, one is a balding gay man, which might I ad he's married (to a woman) and obviously hasn't figured out that he's gay and the 3rd is a girl who's actually the normal one of the bunch. She hasn't quite gotten all of her certifications yet, but knows where she's going. She has a plan.

Smokehouse (as I'll refer to her from now on) is in a new relationship and already talking about marriage. She's all of 25, has a 2 year old, in a new relationship (I think I heard her say 3 weeks) and she's already talking about marriage. A conversation like this makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs to SLOW DOWN!!!!! Enjoy your 20's, why are you rushing things? You change so much in your 20's, I can't stress enough... you change SO MUCH in your 20's! It's scary to think you're talking about a life changing event after only knowing someone for 3 weeks. I think I'm having a harder time knowing there is a child involved.

Married gay man needs to slow down too. He needs to figure out who he is. He's already gotten married and will probably end up breaking his wife's heart, but I want to scream out to him to "figure it out and stop the charade". Embrace who you are. I think like that, but then when I put myself in his shoes, I'm sure that's easier said than done. I'm quite sure it's really hard to come to grips with that, even though we're in 2009, things are still very hard for the gay and lesbian community.

I was so blessed to have gotten married at 27 and had my daughter at 30. Some may say I was old, I say aged. Just like a fine glass of wine, with age your thoughts and decisions become smoother, they catch you in the back of your throat. Decisions you make in your 30's are so much more meaningful. They take on a different view than that of your 20's. At 20, it's like you're looking at the view from the front porch as the cars pass by at 30 mph. All you see are the cars rushing by. You feel like you need to make decisions right then or time will pass you by. However, at 30, you're looking at the view from the back porch watching life in slow motion. The kids, the husband grilling, the dogs, the grandparents trying to keep up with the 5 year old.....

And then you realize it's time to SLOW DOWN, make decisions based on those you love most in the world - YOUR FAMILY!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

An indescribable picture

After being sentenced to 12 years in a hard labor prison in North Korea, Laura Ling and Euna Lee were reunited with their families after serving 5 months.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Do you attend church? What denomination? If not, why not?

Wrinkles at 35

Wrinkles at 35, who would have thought? I swear, I don't feel all that old however in talking about the things that I've done to become "healthier" (if you want to call it that) I think about the things that make me feel old. My wrinkles have really shown this year more than ever before. I see them in my eyes more than anywhere else. Now, some people call this a testament to how happy you are because they are linked to your laugh lines, but does that make you feel all that better when someone says it to you? Not so much for me. I've been using Oil of Olay lately and hope that it will make a little difference. The closer I get to 40, the more I think about these things.

Baby Steps

During the past year I have tried to incorporate a few "healthy" tidbits into my life. I know it's not much but you have to start somewhere!

The first thing I did was give up drinking soft drinks. I know you hear of so many people that say they loose weight from stopping the soft drink binge but I can say that it has not happened to me. The one thing that my friend Stephanie says it's done for me is help my complexion and I have to say, I think it really has. The only thing I really drink is water, the good ole H2O and Diet Lipton Green Tea (1 to 2 a day).

The second thing is taking Vitamin C at least one time a day if not two (1000mg). I have noticed a HUGE difference in my immune system. I have not had a cold in quite a long time and when I do feel like I'm coming down with something I double up. Now, at the moment I have a little sinus infection, but even with that I can tell a huge difference in the way I feel.

So, I have a few other things I want to try but until I have success with them, I'll keep them to myself. Sometimes, I think I give up too quickly on myself so I don't want to divulge anything until I stick with it for a while.

What have you given up or started doing to enhance your body and or mind?

Domestic Harmony

I can't take credit for the title. I actually heard Lisa Oz use the term this morning on Oprah & Friends. However, when I heard it, it made complete sense to me. Domestic Harmony has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I thought about my own household and whether or not Tim and I bring domestic harmony to our family and I have to toot my own horn, we do.

Tim and I have such a loving and respectful relationship with one another. Now, that's not to say we don't disagree on things from time to time but overall we really care about each other as a person and each others opinions. We also care about the opinion of our daughter. We strive to raise her in an environment where she is not involved in parental squabbles. She sees her Mommy and Daddy as two loving people who care and respect one another. It's visual for her. I hope this enables her to find a mate that will treat her with the same respect her father has for me.

Unfortunately, this topic also reminds me of those children who are in a place of total discord. Those who see their mother and father verbally and physically abuse one another. I can't imagine putting a child through that kind of stress. As an adult you think it's hard on you, but think of a child who can't really interpret what's going on during an argument between their mother and father. These are the ones that are suppose to love and support you but if they can't love and support one another, how can they even begin to love and support a child. Children do as they see and if a child sees the abuse they will more than likely grow up to do the same.

Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner

I loved this movie growing up! So much so that I can recite it from beginning to end. It's even funnier when you hear Channing Tatum & Charlyne Yi recite it with a comical twist.

Email from Mom....

Kids, when we get to TX, this is something your Dad can do in his spare time. He won’t have 4 lawns to mow so this will keep him from getting bored!
Love you!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Do you have XM Radio? What are your favorite stations?


How far do you commute to work?

American Idol Contestant, Alexis Cohen Killed

Former American Idol contestant, Alexis Cohen was struck and killed by a car over the weekend just yards from her car. This morning, 23-year-old Daniel Bark has been booked on charges of death by reckless driving as well as leaving the scene of an accident. You'll remember Alexis with her "Take It, Take It, Take It" rampage after not making it to Hollywood in Season 7. She came back in Season 8, all polished up, but once again did not make it to Hollywood. She was very eccentric and out there, but you hate to hear of anyone loosing their life so young. Alexis was 25.

Friday, July 24, 2009


This is one wedding I would have loved to have been at. How great is this entrance?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What's your take.....

What's your take on the President's Health Care Plan? I don't know enough about it and what I do know I can't say I completely understand, so I'd like some thoughts to ponder.

It's pouring here in Houston!

We haven't had a good thunderstorm in quite a while, that is until today. It's pouring here!

View from outside my window @ work:


In May, I posted the Tyler Perry & Oprah Winfrey trailer of "Precious".http://behindthewallsofvanderwilt.blogspot.com/2009/05/precious-trailer.html Well, it will be coming to theaters November 6, 2009.

Tyler Perry's - "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" - Trailer

Coming To Theaters September 11, 2009


myspace layouts

myspace layouts

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yo Quiero Taco Bell

Gidget, the dog who made "Yo Quiero Taco Bell" famous, passes away at 15. Awwwww, so sad but she did live a long life. Wow, that's 105 in human years.

All I Have To Do Is DREAM, dream, dream, dream

What's the best dream you've ever had? Scarriest you've ever had?

In your own home?

Police were called to the home of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. regarding a possible break in. When officers arrived at the home, they found the Professor there. It seems he had trouble unlocking the door, so he proceeded to have it knocked down. Gates showed the officer his drivers license and Harvard ID card but was still handcuffed and taken into custody for what they are calling "disorderly conduct towards an officer". Professor Gates is claiming it was nothing less than racial profiling and I don't know that I disagree with him. The man is in his own home, he has proof of who he is as well as his address, which matches his location. What else would the officers need to prove he was who he says he is, unless they just wanted to make a spectacle out of him? Charges have been dropped, but that's not the point. There are to many abuses in the criminal justice system and unless someone stands up and says "no more", this will continue to haunt the black community.

Something else that disturbs me about this case is the media coverage of the story. Almost all of the media I've seen have placed photos of Professor Gates coming out of his house, obviously yelling, or pictures of his mugshot. Well, I'm not going to do that to him, in fact I'm going to put a picture of the distinguished black scholar that he is!

We've sure come a long way but stories like this show you just how far we've yet to come.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hell's Kitchen - 6th Season

I'm so excited about the 6th season of Hell's Kitchen tonight with Gordon Ramsey. Anyone else a fan or are you completely despise the show?

ICE - In Case Of Emergency

I heard about this on Oprah Radio this morning and it's also going to be a feature in "O - The Oprah Magazine" next month. I thought it was such a smart idea, I wanted to share it with you.

Do you carry around a Medical ID card or In Case Of Emergency information? No, well you're not alone as the majority of us don't. Do you have a cell phone? Guess what, you can enter a contact in your phone listed as ICE and that notifies whomever finds your phone pertinent information about you and who to contact in case of an emergency. Great idea, huh?

Blake Lewis - Sad Song

What do you think of Black Lewis' new song - "Sad Song"? I feel like I'm back in the 80's!

Remembering Farrah

Ryan O'Neal remembers his longtime relationship with his angel, Farrah Fawcett on the Today Show.

Chaos Ensues

This video is a hard one to watch. It shows absolute HERO'S rescuing 2 children and their mother from a burning SUV. My heart races and tears start to form as I watch the 4 minutes of footage where complete strangers surround this woman's car to save them all. The SUV could have blown at any moment but that didn't stop the bystanders and 2 off duty firefighters from doing everything they could to protect them from the fire. My heart goes out to the family and to the rescuers who will endure this event for quite some time.

Embedded video from CNN Video

Don't try this at home....

Ever considered plastic surgery? Ever thought you could do it just as well as a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon? Think again...

"It's Too Late To Apologize, Too Late"

Are you buying Chris Brown's apology?

Kermit Would Be So Proud

This is too funny, look at what Lady GaGa decides to wear to a German interview. Too funny!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus

So, I took Laura to the Circus this weekend with my friend Stephanie and her sister, Tammy. Times must be hard even for Ringling Brothers because it was not as impressive this year as it was when I took Laura a few years ago. For most of the show we watched crazy antics from all of the clowns. The elephants and tigers were not out there very long, nor were the horses. I also don't remember ever seeing dogs at the circus. Maybe I'm just forgetting, but I really don't remember them. Well, they had a few dogs come out and do some tricks but other than that, it was somewhat uneventful. Laura enjoyed it though so I guess that's all that really mattered. I on the other hand found it to be quite disappointing. Maybe next year will be better.

Kelly Hildebrandt to marry Kelly Hildebrandt

You hear the story all the time, a couple meet online and 8 months later they're engaged to be married. But have you ever heard of a couple getting married with the exact same name? Well, very soon Kelly Hildebrandt (groom-to-be) will be walking down the aisle with Kelly Hildebrandt (bride-to-be). How weird is that?

Paris Jackson Look Alike

It's amazing how much these two look alike.

On the left, Paris Jackson. On the right, my daughter, Laura.


How often do you have to get your hair cut?

Walter Cronkite Dies At 92

Legendary CBS Evening News Anchorman, Walter Cronkite, died Friday, July 17th at the age of 92. Pictured above is Cronkite announcing the death of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963.

Jon & Kate X2

Jon Gosselin was spotted this weekend out with Kate Major, a reporter for Star Magazine. Nothing like sleeping with the enemy.... it seems if you don't like the publicity, then don't date a reporter.

Jon's just getting around since his separation from the Mrs. isn't he? Wonder if Ms. Hailey knows of Jon's whereabouts over the weekend. And by the way, what's this crap being reported on People.com about Jon and Hailey not dating until Kate filed divorce papers. I wholeheartedly don't believe that BS and I also don't believe that Jon was "heartbroken" about the dissolution of his marriage. And one other thing, do you really think Kate is the one that told Jon to "take a hike"? I don't!

40th Anniversary Of The Apollo 11 Lunar Landing

July 20th marks the 40th Anniversary of Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin's 1st walk on the moon as Michael Collins orbited overhead. You can find out all sorts of information on the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11. You can also track the journey from July 16th thru the 20th at: WeChoosetheMoon.org.

As noted on www.news.aol.com, the Mission Patch to the right is "Unlike most mission patches, Apollo 11's does not include the names of the astronauts. "We wanted the design to be representative of everyone who had worked toward a lunar landing," said Michael Collins, who designed it with help from a fellow astronaut."

Rain in Houston???

Finally we saw rain in Houston over the weekend. It's been such a long time since we've seen it, I had to capture it on camera.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Jon's New Bachelor Pad

Well, Johnny Boy has been busy since his separation from wife, Kate, from Jon & Kate + 8. It seems he's rented an apartment in NYC, headed to St. Tropez with his new girlfriend, Hailey Glassman, and may possibly be a new kids fashion designer. Alot happens when you don't have 9 people depending on you. I hope he realizes what he's put his family through once he gets over his mid-life crisis. I'm ready for him to grow up already.


I was listening to Gayle King on Oprah Radio this morning, and yesterday she interviewed Chris Daughtry from the band Daughtry. I have such admiration for him and the band. Out of all the bands out there right now, Daughtry seems to be the most real and down to earth. It doesn't seem like the fame and fortune has gone too much to their heads. They were there to promote their new CD, "Leave This Town", which by the way is phenomenal.

When they played the following song, the hair stood straight UP on the back of my neck. The music, the lyrics, everything about it blows me away.
Acoustic version of "What About Now"

The video itself is so powerful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ylgchWR-Ig

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oldest Mother Dies

69 Year Old mother of 2 1/2 year old twins dies. Guinness World Record names, Maria del Carmen Bousada, as the oldest woman to give birth at 66 years of age. She lied to the fertility clinic by telling them she was only 55.

What do you think of the situation, leaving 2 year old twin girls without a mother or father? Oh yes, did I not mention, she was a single mother that received in-vitro fertilization at 66? Now, in her defence she said that her mother died at 101 years of age, so she didn't see that giving birth at 66 was that big of deal because she would be around to see her children grow up just like her mother. Someone must not have given her the memo, "We're Not Guaranteed Our Time Here On This Earth!". I think it's quite selfish what she did. I understand the desire to have a child, I really do but couldn't you have started the process in your 30's, heck even in your 40's. 66 in my opinion is too late to start your child rearing years. I feel so bad for the girls who are left and will never remember their mother other than what they see in pictures. It's a heartbreaking situation.

Scott Peterson asking for donations?

Can you believe this douchebags family is asking for donations on his appeal in the murder conviction he received for killing his pregnant wife, Laci and unborn child, Connor? What scumbags!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Suicide Clinics

So, I'm reading this story... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090714/ap_on_re_eu/eu_britain_obit_downes and find myself dumbfounded by the whole thing. It seems a British couple have traveled to Switzerland to end their lives. Edward Downes, 85, has had trouble with his sight and hearing within the last several years and his wife, Joan, 74, was recently diagnosed with cancer. So, after 54 years of marriage they discussed the decision with their children and traveled to their final resting place, Switzerland. Their children issued a statement in which they said their parents died "peacefully and under circumstances of their own choosing".

Hmmmm, I don't think I would give my blessing to my parents if they came to me with the same wish??? Maybe that's selfish, but I wasn't raised to think like that. My parents didn't raise me to think like that. Unfortunately, we all get old and their are ailments we must all go through. However, suicide I don't think is the answer. There are so many young people who have so much life ahead of them and they are afflicted with the same things the Downes are going through, even worse in some cases.

What are your thoughts on assisted suicides and in this case suicide clinics?

Slap Chop Rap Commercial

Couple of 16 Children, Murdered

I am so saddened by the couple found shot to death in their Florida home this past weekend. It's absolutely awful for anyone to endure such a heinous crime, but it's even worse to know they were the parents of 16 children (12 of which were adopted children with special needs). It sounds like Byrd and Melanie Billings were upstanding citizens and some have even called Melanie "an Angel". It's very sad to think of these children without their parents, I just hope that someone will keep them all together. I have read where one of the oldest daughters is hoping to be able to keep their parents legacy alive by taking all of them in. I just pray that's the case.

Update - 7 individuals have been arrested this afternoon
Leonard Patrick Gonzalez Jr., 35
Leonard Patrick Gonzalez Sr., 56
Wayne Thomas Coldiron, 41
Gary Lamont Sumner, 30
Fredrick Lee Thornton, 19
Donald Ray Stallworth, 28
An unidentified juvenile, 16

Michael Jackson's Dance Influences

Who knew, Michael Jackson wasn't the first to do the moonwalk?

Jeffrey Daniel's influence on Michael Jackson

Monday, July 13, 2009


You call your husband. He asks "how are you" and your response is "not feeling so well, I'm tired and congested today". Would it piss you off if he sarcastically says "boy, I can't wait to see you tonight"?

So Awkward....


Weekends seem to go by so fast, don't they? It's hard to come back to work when you have such a wonderful time with your family. Friday, Laura and I left for the beach and had such a wonderful time together. We didn't do anything special, just hung out by the pool, dinner at Rainforest Cafe and then spent Saturday by the pool and on the beach.It's nice to know that you don't really have to do anything in particular but hang out with someone and at the end of the day say you had a wonderful time. We had a blast, just the girls, playing in the pool and building sand castles. Only 5 more days until the weekend comes again - can't wait!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What a prick!

Jon Gosselin is such a lying prick!! Family friend my ass. Jon and his "girlfriend", Hailey Glassman (Doctor's daughter that performed Kate's tummy tuck) are photographed in Saint Tropez this weekend. What a prick!

Update 7/13 - You know, I'm not done with this prick! I don't care how Kate treated Jon! Not to say she wasn't wrong for treating him like he was a child, but if you act like a child then you should be treated like a child. He knew what type of personality she had when he proposed marriage to her. He definitely knew what she was like when they decided to get pregnant with the twins and by the 2nd pregnancy he knew how she was as a wife and mother. So, don't give me this BS that he was tired of the way he was being treated - he was tired of having a wife and 8 children and knowing Kate wore the pants in their relationship. They haven't even divorced yet and he's gallivanting in public with his mistress.

Kate, here's what I think - GOOD RIDDANCE and now you can take him for all he's worth (actually you were the one that would probably have had to pay him alimony but maybe now with pictures of his infidelity you wont have to)!

Mommy & Laura's trip to Galveston