Today marks the 18th anniversary of the day I lost one of my closest friends, Lori Michelle Martin. It's so hard to believe that 18 years have already passed. I remember the day just like it was yesterday.
Labor Day weekend, 1992 I was heading back home that Monday from a trip to the beach with another friend of mine. All day I tried reaching my parents on the phone, but had no luck. I even tried calling my line but got no answer and my answering machine didn't pick up either... strange. I tried and tried but no one was answering their phone. I tried my grandparents phone, no answer. This now got me a little worried that something had happened to a family member because they always answered the phone and it seemed as if they never went anywhere. The closer I got to the house, the more I tried calling every number I could think of to get someone on the phone who knew what was happening with my family. About 15 minutes from the house, I decided to call Lori's house to see if maybe my parents were with her Mom and maybe the "beach" crowd had gotten together for a Labor Day Cookout. So, I'm calling Lori's house and my Mom answers the phone, strange. She sounded fine, but very limited in what she had to say to me. In fact, all I really remember her saying was can you please come by Lori's house before heading home. I was so relieved to hear my Mom's voice, but also agitated at the time I had spent trying to get in touch with her. I told her I was tired and needed to get laundry done so I would just meet them at the house. My Mom insisted that I come by Lori's house and then I knew something wasn't quite right. I asked my Mom what was going on and why she couldn't just tell me what she needed to over the phone. I was tired and cranky and just wanted some answers but my Mom was also loosing her patience with me, so I dropped it and just decided to swing by Lori's.
I got off on the exit and I clearly remember the song playing as I pulled up in Lori's gravel driveway. It was the song Please Don't Go by KWS. To this day, I can't stand that song. It takes me back to what seemed like the longest driveway in history where I saw lots of friends, and family and cars everywhere. I still don't think it registered that something was wrong. In fact, I just figured, it's labor day so everyone is here for a cookout. There were friends there that I had not seen since high school, so why I thought everything was copacetic was beyond me. My Dad met me in the driveway before I even had a chance to park the car and I could tell by his face that something was very wrong. It was the first time in my life that I had ever seen my Dad get teary eyed. He asked me to get out of the car and as he grabbed me tightly he said, "I can't believe I have to tell you this, but Lori is dead". I literally fell to the ground, screaming, crying, hitting my Dad in the chest as my Mom began to walk out of the house to help. I was uncontrollably screaming "WHAT HAPPENED, WHAT HAPPENED". At this point, I just figured it was an automobile accident, even though now I remember seeing her car sitting in the driveway, so that just couldn't be the case. I never in a million years thought I would hear what would come out of my Dad's mouth next... "Shelley, Lori was shot this afternoon. It was an accident, "K" was cleaning his gun when it accidentally went off". I didn't believe it then and I don't believe it now, nor do I ever think I will ever believe it was an accident. I don't know that it was intended to happen that day, but I do believe it also wasn't an accident either.
A few weeks before the gun went off on this dreadful Labor Day, "K" had "accidentally" shot himself in the same house with another gun. The bullet pierced through his hand and luckily no one in the house was hurt. Maybe I've been watching too much TV, but I believe this was all part of his plan. If he could show that one gun went off accidentally, then why couldn't another one do the same a few weeks later. There were also things that didn't jive with me in regards to the way "K" described to me what happened. Lori was sitting across the room from "K" at an angle that doesn't make sense how she could then be shot underneath her arm. If the bullet had hit the other side of her body, I might have bought it, but in my opinion, in order for her to have been shot from where she would have been sitting, "K" would have had to have been right by her side. "K" knew about guns, he knew the safety of guns and he knew not to clean his gun with a bullet in the chamber. In my opinion, Lori was really ending things with him that day, one thing lead to another, their argument got out of control and he shot her.
My Mom would later tell me that Lori had called me the morning of her death. Was she calling because she was in trouble, or was it just a call to say hello? I'll never know! I think back to the last time I saw Lori, in that same driveway where I got the awful news of her death. She yelled to me as I was walking to my car "I'll talk to you later this week". I remember the feeling I had as I turned to tell her to "Take Care", it was like that would be the last of our goodbyes. I think we all have those premonitions, but sometimes don't know exactly how to bring them to light or question why they occur in the first place. Could things have been different if I had been home that day and gotten her call? Would the circumstances have been the same or would she still be here today? Again, I'll never know.
RIP my friend. I think of you often and think of those you left behind. I know I speak for us all when I say, we miss you!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Andrew Breitbart and FOX owe Shirley Sherrod an apology!
I was floored earlier this week when the falsified story broke about Shirley Sherrod and her so called racist remarks at the NAACP's 20th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet. Andrew Breitbart and FOX News, you guys owe Mrs. Sherrod an apology... A BIG ONE!
In Breitbart's original post http://http// he refers to the Democratic Party's attempt to slander the Tea Party and makes the following statement in regard to the "Capitol Hill N Word incident", he says and I quote, "the incident was a manufactured lie". Really, well what on earth did you think the entry you were posting regarding Mrs. Sherrod was? It was completely manufactured, misleading and falsified report.
It was purposeful and it was malicious and it cost Mrs. Sherrod her job. Yes, I understand she's been offered another position, but this will forever be part of her legacy. It's tainted her for life.
So, my question is, what should happen to Breitbart and FOX News? Should there be consequences for their blatant disregard for full disclosure reporting?
In Breitbart's original post http://http// he refers to the Democratic Party's attempt to slander the Tea Party and makes the following statement in regard to the "Capitol Hill N Word incident", he says and I quote, "the incident was a manufactured lie". Really, well what on earth did you think the entry you were posting regarding Mrs. Sherrod was? It was completely manufactured, misleading and falsified report.
It was purposeful and it was malicious and it cost Mrs. Sherrod her job. Yes, I understand she's been offered another position, but this will forever be part of her legacy. It's tainted her for life.
So, my question is, what should happen to Breitbart and FOX News? Should there be consequences for their blatant disregard for full disclosure reporting?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A Family Who Lives On One Income
I know it can be done, and I know it's sometimes a choice but I don't understand how the average American does it. I understand that there are Mom's, and even some Dad's that want to stay home to be with their children, I get it and I think it's great when you have the opportunity to do so. However, when it comes to looking at your future, how on earth does it work?
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Inhumane or Justified?
Ronnie Lee Gardner, sentenced to death row in 1985 is just hours away from execution by way of a 5 man firing squad. Yes, you heard right, firing squad. The execution is scheduled for 2:00AM Friday if he does not win his stay of execution. He will be one of only 3 to die by firing squad, all in Utah.
Here's a little background on the case... As a child, Gardner was the victim of poverty, abuse and neglect. In 1984 he was convicted of killing Melvyn Otterstorm at a bar in Salt Lake City, Utah. In 1985, while at a pretrial hearing in the murder of Otterstorm, he was slipped a gun and fatally shot attorney, Michael Burdell. In 1976, Utah restored the death penalty. In 2004, Utah changed their way of execution to lethal injection however, Gardner was one that was grandfathered in to die by firing squad.
So, what's your opinion? Is this way of execution inhumane or is it justified? Are you for or against capital punishment and if you're for it does it matter how you're put to death?
Part of Gardner's defense is that the jurors did not get to hear his recollections of his childhood and therefore they may have made a different decision. Should it matter what his childhood was? Isn't there a right and a wrong and shouldn't we as sane people know the difference?
Here's a little background on the case... As a child, Gardner was the victim of poverty, abuse and neglect. In 1984 he was convicted of killing Melvyn Otterstorm at a bar in Salt Lake City, Utah. In 1985, while at a pretrial hearing in the murder of Otterstorm, he was slipped a gun and fatally shot attorney, Michael Burdell. In 1976, Utah restored the death penalty. In 2004, Utah changed their way of execution to lethal injection however, Gardner was one that was grandfathered in to die by firing squad.
So, what's your opinion? Is this way of execution inhumane or is it justified? Are you for or against capital punishment and if you're for it does it matter how you're put to death?
Part of Gardner's defense is that the jurors did not get to hear his recollections of his childhood and therefore they may have made a different decision. Should it matter what his childhood was? Isn't there a right and a wrong and shouldn't we as sane people know the difference?
Alice Tan Ridley, mother of Oscar Nominee, Gabourey Sidibe sings her butt off on America's Got Talent. How did she go this long without being discovered?
Alice performs "At Last" on AGT
Alice performs "Midnight Train To Georgia"
Alice performs "What's Love Got To Do With It"
Alice performs "At Last" on AGT
Alice performs "Midnight Train To Georgia"
Alice performs "What's Love Got To Do With It"
Decked for Jaywalking...
Does a teenage girl, who's caught jaywalking in the streets of Seattle deserve to be punched in the face? That is the question!
I look at the this video and don't know how I feel about it. I'm not going to say it's justified in any way as a police officer should have more restraint than to let a jaywalking incident escalate to this. However, once it did escalate, I'm at a loss for where I stand. I wish the video would have been shot a few minutes prior to see how the girls ended up at the police car in the first place. Did the police officer start using his authority to push the girls to a breaking point, or did the girls push the officer to his breaking point. We all know that you aren't supposed to resist arrest, or you will be faced with stronger force on the officers part. On top of that, this officer has 2 girls screaming, wailing and grabbing at him along with several bystanders screaming and hollering at him too.
What should have happened? How should this have been handled? If this were a male, would the reaction have been the same as what we feel for this young girl? Does it make a difference that both teenagers have criminal records already? Does that play any part in what could have happened prior to when we see the two girls at the police officers car? So may questions... it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Surprisingly, for once I can actually say I wont be judging either side until I hear all the details leading up to the video. What are your thoughts?
I look at the this video and don't know how I feel about it. I'm not going to say it's justified in any way as a police officer should have more restraint than to let a jaywalking incident escalate to this. However, once it did escalate, I'm at a loss for where I stand. I wish the video would have been shot a few minutes prior to see how the girls ended up at the police car in the first place. Did the police officer start using his authority to push the girls to a breaking point, or did the girls push the officer to his breaking point. We all know that you aren't supposed to resist arrest, or you will be faced with stronger force on the officers part. On top of that, this officer has 2 girls screaming, wailing and grabbing at him along with several bystanders screaming and hollering at him too.
What should have happened? How should this have been handled? If this were a male, would the reaction have been the same as what we feel for this young girl? Does it make a difference that both teenagers have criminal records already? Does that play any part in what could have happened prior to when we see the two girls at the police officers car? So may questions... it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Surprisingly, for once I can actually say I wont be judging either side until I hear all the details leading up to the video. What are your thoughts?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
9 Year Old's PINK Mobile Dance Studio
LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!! This is the best idea and it came from a 9 year old. So entrepreneurial at such a young age. Can't wait to see what she becomes! Way to go Amiya Alexander!
Friday, June 4, 2010
"You Will Never Stand Taller Than When You Stoop To Help A Child" - Dr. Phil
I was in Target the other day with Laura and as we were in line to check out, there was a mother with 4 of her children at the end of the aisle. This mother was being so loud and so disrespectful to one of her youngest sons. You could tell he was so beaten up inside about whatever it was he did, but she continued to badger and intimidate him in front of everyone. I felt so sorry for him and now I'm kicking myself for not saying something to the mother. You could tell she was just doing this to get a reaction out of the people shopping in the store more so than she was trying to teach her son a lesson. She liked being seen as the person standing tall over her child yelling and pointing her finger in his poor little face.
After leaving the store, Dr. Phil's quote ("You'll Never Stand Taller Than When You Stoop To Help A Child") popped into my head. I'm all for lessons and correcting a child when they have done something wrong. However, do we always have to do it by standing tall over them and watching them cringe with fear as we yell at them? I looked at this poor kid and thought to myself, this mother will never earn the respect of her child unless she learns to respect them first. I'm not saying kids shouldn't be disciplined or corrected, but shouldn't their be a mutual level of respect between one another? Isn't that how they learn respect in the first place?
After leaving the store, Dr. Phil's quote ("You'll Never Stand Taller Than When You Stoop To Help A Child") popped into my head. I'm all for lessons and correcting a child when they have done something wrong. However, do we always have to do it by standing tall over them and watching them cringe with fear as we yell at them? I looked at this poor kid and thought to myself, this mother will never earn the respect of her child unless she learns to respect them first. I'm not saying kids shouldn't be disciplined or corrected, but shouldn't their be a mutual level of respect between one another? Isn't that how they learn respect in the first place?
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Remember what Memorial Day is all about, even if our leader doesn't.????
This statement came from a Facebook post this afternoon and IS NOT MY THOUGHT AT ALL and that is why there is a question mark at the end. What the hell does that even mean? I get so sick of blanket comments like that with absolutely no elaboration of what the basis of the statement even means.
Let's break the statement down...
"Remember Memorial Day"... that's a given. We should all honor our fallen soldiers on Monday. How do we do that? Go to a parade, hang a flag in your yard, wear red-white & blue, have a cookout. Now I don't know what President Obama has planned on Monday, but I feel pretty confident that he will probably do one if not all of the things that make us as a nation patriotic. I think he'll even go a step further by visiting the Veteran's Memorial that day in DC. What will you be doing that day?
"Even if our leader doesn't".... WHAT? What does that even mean? What is the basis of that statement? Everyone knows I am an Obama supporter through and through, but even if this message was posted during Bush's term I would have the same reaction. Don't use Memorial Day to trash the current President and what he stands for. Obama, and even Bush for that matter, have more patriotism in their pinkie finger than I have in my whole body. They live and breath the United States of America and what it stands for and that's why they are where they are.
If you're going to make a statement like that, state your reasons for why you feel like that. In my opinion, there is nothing to support it! We must find a way to stop trashing a President that has been given so many obstacles. Why can't we support him in making this a better country instead of making statements like that, which only set us back!
Let's break the statement down...
"Remember Memorial Day"... that's a given. We should all honor our fallen soldiers on Monday. How do we do that? Go to a parade, hang a flag in your yard, wear red-white & blue, have a cookout. Now I don't know what President Obama has planned on Monday, but I feel pretty confident that he will probably do one if not all of the things that make us as a nation patriotic. I think he'll even go a step further by visiting the Veteran's Memorial that day in DC. What will you be doing that day?
"Even if our leader doesn't".... WHAT? What does that even mean? What is the basis of that statement? Everyone knows I am an Obama supporter through and through, but even if this message was posted during Bush's term I would have the same reaction. Don't use Memorial Day to trash the current President and what he stands for. Obama, and even Bush for that matter, have more patriotism in their pinkie finger than I have in my whole body. They live and breath the United States of America and what it stands for and that's why they are where they are.
If you're going to make a statement like that, state your reasons for why you feel like that. In my opinion, there is nothing to support it! We must find a way to stop trashing a President that has been given so many obstacles. Why can't we support him in making this a better country instead of making statements like that, which only set us back!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Experience Of Oprah's Live Your Best Life Weekend
What a chance of a lifetime.... and what a wonderful time my Mom and I had in NY over Mother's Day Weekend.
It all started back in March, March 15th to be exact, when Oprah's Live Your Best Life tickets went on sale. Weeks before that I had a conversation with my Mom and asked her if she would be interested in going if I could actually get tickets. We both thought, "we probably wont get them, but if we do, it's meant to be". So, on March 15th and 12:00:01, when tickets went on sale I was online trying to get through. Five minutes later, I had two tickets and got all the lifeshop seminars of my choice (Dr. Oz, Nate Berkus and Peter Walsh). I couldn't believe it, in fact I sat there for the rest of the afternoon in shock that I had actually gotten through. I called Mom and I think she was as dumbfounded as I was. I really thought that tickets would have been gone or I would have lost computer connection and not been able to complete the transaction. But it was really meant to be.
Then the planning began; airline tickets, hotel, transportation, food... you name it, I was organizing everything. I didn't want Mom to lift a hand. So, I got our travel arrangements coordinated where I would leave from Houston and she would leave from Charlotte and we would both fly to NY and get there within an hour of each other. It worked out perfect. I also arranged for a car to pick us up at the airport and went ahead and made our dinner reservations. I knew the weekend would be full of Oprah events so I wanted everything laid out where we didn't have to make last minute decisions in an unfamiliar city.
The day finally came, May 7th and I had to get up so early as I had a 3 hour flight and wanted to be in NY before noon. Mom's flight was a little delayed so I had time to sit down, eat and make a few phone calls before walking over to my Mom's terminal. Mom finally arrived, the car was there to pick us up and we were whisked away to the Hotel just in time to freshen up before the Welcome Reception began.
We got to the Reception at Gotham Hall and it was beautiful, simply beautiful. You walked in to the reception hall with the music playing, champagne and hors d'oeuvres were being served and in the middle of the room was Loreal's Step And Repeat where photos were being taken of all attendees. The colors were beautiful, the flowers was gorgeous, the sight was breathtaking. Pictures don't even do it justice. The O' Team even went as far as placing bouquets of flowers in the men's urinals. Yes, there were men there, but the women sure outnumbered them.
I made reservations for Mom and I at Park Avenue Spring, which is a quaint little restaurant on 63rd and Park Avenue. It was really very pretty. Park Avenue Cafe changes their decor with the change of the season. Luckily, from the pictures I've seen, Spring was my favorite season! The food was delicious and the atmosphere was so lovely.
After dinner, Mom and I had all intentions of touring the Empire State Building, but from traveling and walking through New York during the day we were so very tired. So, we ended up heading back to the hotel so we could get a good nights rest for the next days events.
We needed to be at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center at 8:00, so Mom and I got up early enough to walk down there from the hotel in hopes to get something to eat before the lifeshops began. The doors opened at 8:00, but the Opening Remarks were not until 9:30, so in my mind we had plenty of time. Do you know, when we got there the lines were unbelievably long. People must have gotten there at 6AM as the line wrapped around 5 city blocks, it was amazing. I've never seen anything like it. We walk in, and because of the heightened security due to the Times Square bombing attempt, we all had to walk through metal detectors and have our bags checked. So, this made the line seem to take even longer. We got in just in time for the Opening Remarks, but not in time to get something to eat. Oprah came out and started the day welcoming everyone and thanking them for showing their support. She didn't speak long, and there wasn't anything poignant said, but EMOTION TOOK OVER! I was so overwhelmed by the whole experience and couldn't believe I was sitting in the same room with a WOMAN that I so admire and look up to and I was sharing that experience with MY MOM on Mother's Day Weekend. I just lost it. The only thing that could have made it better was having Laura there. I so missed sharing that experience with her. It was such an emotional start to the day. After Oprah's welcome, she introduced Elizabeth Gilbert, author of EAT, PRAY, LOVE. I tell you, she was a hoot. I thought she was so funny and I really enjoyed her story. I've never read the book, but after hearing her speak I've downloaded the book on my Kindle and can't wait to see the movie when it comes out. After hearing Elizabeth Gilbert, Mom and I had to get to our lifeshops. We saw Dr. Oz, Nate Berkus and Peter Walsh. Because this was a celebration of O' The Oprah Magazine's 10th Anniversary, each lifeshop focused on 10 things to living your best life. I took away something from each one, maybe not all 10 but something and I've tried to incorporate them into my life.
After the lifeshops, Mom and I went back to the hotel in order to get ready for Oprah's Celebration at Radio City Music Hall. Luckily we were only 2 blocks from the Hall because we were already tired and our feet were a little sore as well. We walked in not knowing where the seats would be, and were blown away when the attendant walked us down 18 rows from center stage. Mom and I both looked at each other in amazement. So surprised and so excited.... we would actually get to see Ms. Winfrey up close, live and in color. Oprah spoke for and hour and a half and talked about where she came from, where she is now and where she's going. She talked about how important following your passion is. I can truly say that I've not learned to do that yet but I hope that one day I can find that inner voice that tells me it's OK to follow my passion. I've talked about this before, but my passion is to become a photographer. I love it, love catching life in motion. However, I don't do enough to support my passion. One day, I hope I can go there and have the nerve to break away from an office environment and follow my dream. I'm not there yet, and don't have that courage quite yet, but I pray that one day I will.
Once again, Mom and I had all intentions of going to the Empire State Building. Did we make it there? NO! We were now even more tired than the day before and had to be at Oprah's Charity Walk the next morning by 7AM.
The days prior to Sunday had been beautiful. Sunny skies and really pleasant weather. We woke up Sunday to pretty skies as well but it was so very cold, in the 40's. As well as I had organized the weekend plans, I surely didn't do that when it came to my Sunday outfit. I had shorts and a t-shirt and did not bring a jacket at all. At 40 degrees, I would surely freeze. Luckily Mom brought 2 pairs of long workout pants, but I still didn't have a jacket. Fortunately, I brought a few pashminas and threw them over my arms just to try and stay warm. Because it was so early in the morning and it was Sunday, there were no stores opened when we left so I had to just suck it up and walk.
We arrived at the Intrepid Museum at 7 and got lined up for Oprah's LYBL Walk. Mom and I were walking for the organization, Share Our Strength®, which is dedicated to making sure no kid in America grows up hungry. The walk was to start at 7:30, but Oprah and few other celebrity walkers did not arrive until 8:30. We were cold, hungry and at that point getting a little frazzled. By the time the walk began we were so through with speeches and thank was time to get this thing started. The walk began at the Intrepid and ended in Times Square. Once we arrived in Times Square and walked around to a few of the booths then it was time to head back to the hotel in order for the car to pick us up and take us back to the airport.
So, that was the weekend. I had such a nice time and so enjoyed the experience with my Mom. I hate that we didn't get to see more of NY but for me the experience was a chance of a lifetime!
It all started back in March, March 15th to be exact, when Oprah's Live Your Best Life tickets went on sale. Weeks before that I had a conversation with my Mom and asked her if she would be interested in going if I could actually get tickets. We both thought, "we probably wont get them, but if we do, it's meant to be". So, on March 15th and 12:00:01, when tickets went on sale I was online trying to get through. Five minutes later, I had two tickets and got all the lifeshop seminars of my choice (Dr. Oz, Nate Berkus and Peter Walsh). I couldn't believe it, in fact I sat there for the rest of the afternoon in shock that I had actually gotten through. I called Mom and I think she was as dumbfounded as I was. I really thought that tickets would have been gone or I would have lost computer connection and not been able to complete the transaction. But it was really meant to be.
Then the planning began; airline tickets, hotel, transportation, food... you name it, I was organizing everything. I didn't want Mom to lift a hand. So, I got our travel arrangements coordinated where I would leave from Houston and she would leave from Charlotte and we would both fly to NY and get there within an hour of each other. It worked out perfect. I also arranged for a car to pick us up at the airport and went ahead and made our dinner reservations. I knew the weekend would be full of Oprah events so I wanted everything laid out where we didn't have to make last minute decisions in an unfamiliar city.
The day finally came, May 7th and I had to get up so early as I had a 3 hour flight and wanted to be in NY before noon. Mom's flight was a little delayed so I had time to sit down, eat and make a few phone calls before walking over to my Mom's terminal. Mom finally arrived, the car was there to pick us up and we were whisked away to the Hotel just in time to freshen up before the Welcome Reception began.

After dinner, Mom and I had all intentions of touring the Empire State Building, but from traveling and walking through New York during the day we were so very tired. So, we ended up heading back to the hotel so we could get a good nights rest for the next days events.

Once again, Mom and I had all intentions of going to the Empire State Building. Did we make it there? NO! We were now even more tired than the day before and had to be at Oprah's Charity Walk the next morning by 7AM.
The days prior to Sunday had been beautiful. Sunny skies and really pleasant weather. We woke up Sunday to pretty skies as well but it was so very cold, in the 40's. As well as I had organized the weekend plans, I surely didn't do that when it came to my Sunday outfit. I had shorts and a t-shirt and did not bring a jacket at all. At 40 degrees, I would surely freeze. Luckily Mom brought 2 pairs of long workout pants, but I still didn't have a jacket. Fortunately, I brought a few pashminas and threw them over my arms just to try and stay warm. Because it was so early in the morning and it was Sunday, there were no stores opened when we left so I had to just suck it up and walk.

So, that was the weekend. I had such a nice time and so enjoyed the experience with my Mom. I hate that we didn't get to see more of NY but for me the experience was a chance of a lifetime!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I used to think VH1 was pretty safe to let your kids watch. Not anymore!!! Laura was watching the Top 20 Countdown Sunday morning when her dad walked by as she was watching the following video. Laura's response, AWKWARD!!
Laura, you don't even know the 1/2 of it. Your poor dad was mortified that this is what was being shown. What can you do but just pause, change the channel and next time monitor VH1's videos more closely before letting your little ones watch.
The following video is not suitable for children
Laura, you don't even know the 1/2 of it. Your poor dad was mortified that this is what was being shown. What can you do but just pause, change the channel and next time monitor VH1's videos more closely before letting your little ones watch.
The following video is not suitable for children
Miss USA going scantily clad
So, what do you think of the new Miss USA photos? So much for the wholesome image they were trying to uphold. I honestly don't have a problem with the pics and think that they are really tastefully done, but.... not so quick.... We're talking about Miss USA, not the next Angel walking down the runway at the annual Victoria Secret Show. There is a difference in the two.
I'm not a Carrie Prejean fan to say the least, but I do remember she was dethroned after 1/2 naked photos appeared of her. The two contradict each other. You can't have a boyfriend or significant other take racy pictures of you, but it's OK to have a full fledged photo shoot and get the same type picture? What's that all about?
I'm not a Carrie Prejean fan to say the least, but I do remember she was dethroned after 1/2 naked photos appeared of her. The two contradict each other. You can't have a boyfriend or significant other take racy pictures of you, but it's OK to have a full fledged photo shoot and get the same type picture? What's that all about?
Something is wrong with this picture.....
My little one is in dance and I'm all for shakin' what your Mamma gave you, but this is too much. These kids look to be Laura's age or maybe even younger and they are being way too sexy. I could not have even dressed Laura like this to go to her dance recital in the first place, but if I saw her shakin' it like these little girls, she would be yanked right off the stage? What children's dance instructor teaches their students to dance like this and be OK with it?
Wonder what Beyoncé thinks? She wore more clothes in her video than these little girls are. Too grown!
Wonder what Beyoncé thinks? She wore more clothes in her video than these little girls are. Too grown!
What a voice for a 12 year old...
I am so amazed by this voice. This is Greyson Michael Chance performing Lady Gaga's song Paparazzi. Such a pure tone to his voice and he's only 12! Keep in mind, this is in a school auditorium so just think what he'll sound like with the right acoustics.
This is Greyson performing a song he has written called Broken Hearts
And this is another song Greyson has written called Stars
This is Greyson performing a song he has written called Broken Hearts
And this is another song Greyson has written called Stars
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Oprah's Live Your Best Life Weekend - Sunday
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Oprah's Live Your Best Life Weekend - Saturday

2nd Day in the Big Apple
The Day:
8:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:30 Opening remarks with Oprah Winfrey
11:15-12:00 Lifeshop with Dr. Oz
12:45-1:30 Lifeshop with Nate Berkus
2:45-3:30 Lifeshop with Peter Walsh
The Evening
Live Your Best Life Reception @ Radio City Music Hall hosted by Oprah Winfrey
Pictures, Facebook Posts and Tweets to follow.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Oprah's Live Your Best Life Weekend - Friday

Here's a preview of what our 1st day holds in the Big Apple
I leave Houston at 7:50 and arrive in NY at 12:30
Mom leaves Charlotte at 11:30 and arrives in NY at 1:30
The car will pick us up at 2:15 and we'll head towards the hotel
Unpack and enjoy a little free time before our 4:30 Registration Celebration begins
4:30-5:45 - Registration Celebration begins (YIPPEEEEEE)
Dinner at Park Avenue Cafe @ 7:00
Sight seeing.. hopefully we'll get to the Empire State Bldg. and get a view of the city after dark
Get rest for our big day tomorrow!!!!
Pictures, Facebook Posts and Tweets to follow.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Oprah's Live Your Best Life Weekend & Walk
Friday, April 30, 2010
National No Phone Zone Day

Enough is enough! Hitting someone or injuring yourself while driving and using your phone is 100% preventable. Keep your eyes off your phone and put them back on the road. It's that simple!
I'm so glad that Oprah has taken a stand on this. Close to 6,000 people died last year alone while talking or texting on their phone while driving. It's all unnecessary and preventable if we all take the same stand Oprah is taking and sign the pledge.
To sign the pledge go to or you can text (not while driving) NPZ to 30644. Do it today! The life you save may be your own!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy 30th Birthday Eric!!
To my little brother, Eric... Happy Happy Birthday. I can't believe you turned 30 today. Even though I was only 6 when you were born, I still remember the day as clear as if it were yesterday. Hope you have had a great day and I wish I were there to celebrate it with you.
Enjoy the Ice Cream & Cake...
Funny - Funny Videos
Enjoy the Ice Cream & Cake...
Funny - Funny Videos
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival

Tim and I are going to the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival in a few weeks. Surprisingly, I've been through New Orleans several times, but I've never been for a trip. The event spans over two weekends, but we have chosen to attend the 1st. If any of you have been to this event or to the city and would like to recommend some places to see and things to do, please do so. This trip should be so much fun! Tim and I don't get to travel much by ourselves, so I'm looking so forward to adult time.
Here we come New Orleans!
Oprah's Live Your Best Life Weekend

I'm taking my Mom for Mother's Day and look so forward to the trip!
Oprah will be kicking off the event on Friday and then Saturday we're off to three seminars which include Dr. Oz, Nate Berkus and Peter Walsh. Saturday evening Oprah will be hosting an event at Radio City Music Hall and Sunday my Mom and I will be joining the Live Your Best Life walk in an effort to raise funds for 10 of Oprah's favorite charities.
Grame's Easter Treats For Laura
Thank you Mom for making Laura's classroom and dance class treats for Easter!! They were a hit with her dance class and she's taking the others to her classmates tomorrow. Luckily my mother has a creative side, because I sure don't!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sarah Palin's Comments - DESPICABLE & UNACCEPTABLE!!!
Inciting violence against members of congress is UNACCEPTABLE! Sarah Palin has made several comments since the Health Care Reform Bill was signed last week and it clearly shows she does not have the best interest of the American People at heart.
I have NEVER been a Sarah Palin supporter and question those who have like minded views. She is a raving lunatic who clearly doesn't understand that her words are taken very seriously. Even though she thinks her remarks (as she uses folksy, wink-wink, tilt of the head moves) shouldn't incite violence, they do. People, crazy as they are, take her remarks serious and make her thoughts their reality.
Just last week, Palin released a map of the United States with districts of key representatives who voted for health care reform, marked with cross-hair symbols. She then went on to release the following statement, "The crossfire is intense, so penetrate through enemy territory by bombing through the press, and use your strong weapons -- your Big Guns -- to drive to the hole. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win."
Agree with the Health Care Reform Bill or not, that is DESPICABLE!
Sarah goes on to say, "Get in their face and argue with them. No matter how tough it gets, never retreat, instead RELOAD!"
But it's not just Sarah Palin leading people to take such despicable acts of violence against our Congressmen, it's others too. Rep. Michele Bachmann said she wants her constituents "armed and dangerous" against the Obama administration. I'm embarrassed to say that my own state has contributed to this type of rhetoric as Rep. Randy Neugebauer yelled "baby killer" at Bart Stupak on the House floor. Rep. Devin Nunes of California said Tea Partiers had "every right" to use racist and homophobic slurs against Democrats.
Who gives him, or anyone else for that matter, that right? It's not only despicable but it's unacceptable behavior and has to be stopped! I don't know what the answer is to stopping such horrific acts of violence, but something has to give. You know, when I was supporting the Barack Obama campaign for Presidency, he said "change would not come easy", I knew that to be a true statement. I guess I just never thought it to be this hard and this dirty either. It's come down to plain old dirty politics.
I don't think it's politics as usual, it's escalated and it must be stopped!
I have NEVER been a Sarah Palin supporter and question those who have like minded views. She is a raving lunatic who clearly doesn't understand that her words are taken very seriously. Even though she thinks her remarks (as she uses folksy, wink-wink, tilt of the head moves) shouldn't incite violence, they do. People, crazy as they are, take her remarks serious and make her thoughts their reality.

Agree with the Health Care Reform Bill or not, that is DESPICABLE!
Sarah goes on to say, "Get in their face and argue with them. No matter how tough it gets, never retreat, instead RELOAD!"
But it's not just Sarah Palin leading people to take such despicable acts of violence against our Congressmen, it's others too. Rep. Michele Bachmann said she wants her constituents "armed and dangerous" against the Obama administration. I'm embarrassed to say that my own state has contributed to this type of rhetoric as Rep. Randy Neugebauer yelled "baby killer" at Bart Stupak on the House floor. Rep. Devin Nunes of California said Tea Partiers had "every right" to use racist and homophobic slurs against Democrats.
Who gives him, or anyone else for that matter, that right? It's not only despicable but it's unacceptable behavior and has to be stopped! I don't know what the answer is to stopping such horrific acts of violence, but something has to give. You know, when I was supporting the Barack Obama campaign for Presidency, he said "change would not come easy", I knew that to be a true statement. I guess I just never thought it to be this hard and this dirty either. It's come down to plain old dirty politics.
I don't think it's politics as usual, it's escalated and it must be stopped!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
OMG, I just heard the funniest freaking thing...
"Talk to the booty, because the hand is off duty."
How funny is that? I heard it on The Real Housewives of New York and it had me CRACKIN' UP!
"Talk to the booty, because the hand is off duty."
How funny is that? I heard it on The Real Housewives of New York and it had me CRACKIN' UP!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A Good, True Friend???

As a child I thought I had 3 Best Friends but looking back, they were not what I'd call true friends after all.
One friend was only there when it was convenient for her and even then our conversations were focused around her and what was going on in her life. When she lost weight and found a boyfriend, that's when I really lost what I thought was my friend. There was no more time for the other 3 amigos, it was all about her new love.
The 2nd friend was one that I spent a lot of time with. We went through many happy and sad times together and I was there through them all. I even stuck around after I found out that she really liked the same guy I did. In my opinion, as a teenager, friends were more important to me than what boy I had a crush on at the time. That all changed when I called her a BITCH the 2nd time it happened, only this time it was my steady boyfriend that she chose to see for months behind my back. I ended up apologizing to HER and broke it off with my boyfriend trying to mend the broken fence. But... because I called her a bitch for dating MY boyfriend behind MY back, SHE stopped talking to ME... not just for a few weeks, for years.! It wasn't until our other friend passed away that we even reconciled, if you can even call it that. Our friendship now is that of yearly calls and Christmas Cards.
The 3rd friend in the group, was really more of an acquaintance now that I look at. We hung out because our families knew each other, nothing more nothing less.
Now I'm an adult and it's sad for me to say that I've never had a best friend. I think I gave up on that idea long ago, very long ago. When the 3 people you think are your best friends as a child don't listen to your thoughts and your ideas, cheat with your boyfriend and then turn around and walk away from the friendship, and when the 3rd friend you finally realize played no important roll in your life... it's pretty easy to figure out why you don't form close relationships with people as an adult. I don't trust many people in my life, in fact very few.
I've tried to form relationships as an adult, but I always find the same 3 I had as a child. I either find one that is so self absorbed that I can't stand to be around them for any length of time, I find one that could care less what I have to say (looking through me as I speak, not at me), or I find the occasional acquaintance. They don't care about me and then I end up caring even less about them!
Maybe one day I'll find that friend, but for now I'm OK with just me.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Michael Lynche's performance on AI last night
Michael's performance from last night was "post" worthy. Loved it and he knew he nailed it when that song was over. Congrats Big Mike!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
American Idol - Only Room For Six Boys

Lee - such a current song choice, love that raspy voice of his, pitchy in places but very good performance overall.
Alex - Love this song, very controlled voice, seemed a little more confident this week and I just love that sweet boyish face.
Tim - very good song choice for his voice, I thought he did a really good job this week, very nice tone, controlled. The only thing I would have liked to have seen is him sitting on a stool strumming the guitar. Cute dimples!! OK, that was a first... Ellen just got up to give a hug.
Andrew - Christina Aguilera is such a hard singer to follow, hmmmmm.... it was just ok, no WOW factor, a little flat. Is it weird he only sings songs that are sung by women?
Casey - ohhhhh, such a great song for him, it was AWESOME!! So deep, you could see his vulnerability! LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT!!!
Aaron - bad start, I think he got off on the wrong foot. However, I liked it once he got to the chorus. Seemed a little more nervous tonight than weeks past... he needs to sit back on the stool and not dance. LOL! I don't like it when Kara uses Honey & Sweetie when talking to the contestants, it's condescending.
Todrick - the beginning didn't work for me at all, but once he got 1/2 way through it wasn't all that bad. Loved Simon's take on his performance - "American Idol, The Musical".
Mike - that boy can sang!!!! when he got into the melody, LOVED IT!! Mike knew he did it, did you see that smile on his face when he moved the mic? OK Kara, that was a little over the top with the tears. Loved that he sang that song on the week his wife was in the audience. You could tell he was singing that song to her - "A Woman's Work". Beautiful!
Not sure why Randy has said in the past that it's the girls year to win, because the guys are doing so much better. The guys were hot tonight!
I know I gave Kara a hard time, but I still really like her as a judge. She gives precise, clear, constructive criticism that the contestants can really use to grow.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
American Idol - Only Room For Six Girls

Katie - I didn't think it was a good song choice at all, yes, it's a younger song choice, but it was slow. It didn't show her young spunky personality, which she needed to show tonight. Pitchy in places, the song seemed to swallow her whole.
Siobhan - very controlled, a little slower than I would have thought she would have picked, seemed safe to me.
Lacey - she has the most beautiful eyes! Her voice still seems nervous to me. Definitely more controlled than prior weeks, but I didn't like the song choice for her. I so agree with Simon, I don't think she's found the right song to figure out what kind of artist she would be.
Katelyn - wish she wouldn't have used the piano tonight, this is a song she needs to be out there dancing to - actually performing instead of standing behind the piano. Seemed robotic. Liked the song choice for her and her voice was controlled. Last week they said she seemed corny, but she seemed even more so tonight for me.
Didi - love her, but she is putting me to sleep with this song tonight. This could be a big mistake for her. Very surprised with the judges response.
Paige - too nervous, cabaret-ish, something seems off with her voice tonight... not what we're used to. She's shown she can sing, but this may send her home! She could have left the love for Michael Jackson out of her response as to why she was so emotional singing the song. Unnecessary!
Crystal - the crowd needs to quit clapping. Bluesy, finally livening up the crowd. She seems so connected to every song she sings. Loved the ending for her, she really showcased her amazing voice. THE BEST!
Lilly - like her but I thought the song was a little too big for her (Patsy Cline is a hard singer to replicate). Not a fan of the song choice. You could tell she was not happy with the song either once she finished singing and moved the mic. I could see it in her eyes.
What was up with the girls tonight? They seemed to be all over the place! I don't even know if I can pick six that I actually liked.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Crystal Bowersox performance on AI last night
I loved Crystal's performance so much last night I had to listen to it again this morning. I thought I'd share it with those of you who didn't get to watch last night. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
American Idol - Girls Night Recap

Crystal - glad she made it tonight and hope she's feeling better. Natural, not forced, bluesy and great tone to her voice, the song was believable. I would hate to be the girls that have to follow her.
Haeley - a little pitchy, the song seems too big for her voice, not sure that will get her through to next week. Go Ryan, call Simon out!
Lacey - no, no, no... I feel like I'm sitting at a bar on karaoke night. LOL, Randy just said the same thing - so funny! To me, this song was worse than last. It didn't work!
Katie - she's got a great sense of humor. WOW, very nice voice, great stage presence, love the song choice... I think Corinne Bailey Rae would be very proud!
Didi - love her, but didn't care for the song choice, it felt like I was watching a cell phone commercial and the pace was so slowwww. I hated to see her cry, she's got to get thicker skin if she wants to make it in that business.
Michelle - don't like the arrangement, voice was less than mediocre, wanted it to END. Was Kara drinking Paula's juice tonight? She could not be serious about that being Michelle's best so far!
Lilly - great song choice for her voice, like her quirky style, very original.
Katelyn - she said it best by describing it as intimate, is really was. A little pitchy in places, loved the slowness of the song, emotional version and my favorite performance of hers so far.
Paige - nice-strong voice, fun song for her, great stage presence. Totally disagree with Simon's take on her performance.
Siobhan - she has a great voice, she can sing, but not Aretha's song. WHOA, that last yell was ear piercing. LOL, Ellen with the snuggie joke - crackin' me up! Siobhan needs some help with her interviewing skills.
Ladies, ladies, ladies... I have to say I enjoyed it much more than the guys from last night. I had to go back and watch Crystal again. I thought she was FABULOUS!
You know, Ryan asked a great question at the beginning, "Why is Kara all up on Simon?" It does seem like she's sitting on his lap this season.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This being the final season of Lost, I thought I would have some of my questions answered. Well, that's not the case. I'm still lost and don't know how the questions we all have are going to be answered in the next 11 episodes. It doesn't help that they keep breaking in to give Voting Info. Unless it's the presidential election, just run the stats at the bottom of the screen. That will do just fine!
So, is anyone as lost as I am? What happened tonight? Where were Jack and Hurley tonight? Are they still sitting on the side of the cliff looking for answers to their own questions? Was Sayid really infected by some mysterious disease. What is up with Locke, or is it Locke at all? Where is Sawyer, where does he fit in in all of this. Who's side is he on? Is it going to turn out to be a story of the good and the evil with Locke being the evil one and Jack being the good one?
I'm so confused!
Favorite Teacher?
Who was your favorite teacher in school? It can be any teacher, from any grade level. Why was he/she your favorite? How did they shape who you are today?
American Idol - Boys Night Recap

My favorites... Mike (Liked), Alex (LOVED), Lee (Liked)
Now, lets get to my critiques of each contestant.
Mike - really good, controlled performance. Liked it!
John - little pitchy but great song choice for him.
Casey - somewhat safe, needed to slow it down... too fast, voice seemed to tremble a little much as if he weren't comfortable up there. Kara was a little hard on him this week.
Alex - great voice, great song choice... just right for his voice, much more confident and comfortable on stage. LOVED IT!
Todrick - definitely better than last week, still a little pitchy, too many runs, when you're singing a Tina Turner song you have to be on point and he just wasn't there.
Jermaine - good once he got into the melody... seemed a little more comfortable once he got to the melody, still a little pitchy and cruise shipish for me.
Andrew - great tone to his voice, liked to see him know he could do it without his guitar. He had my daughter swaying back and forth, LOL!
Aaron - wrong song choice, has a great voice, but didn't seem to hit the notes quite right, didn't feel it like I did last week. So surprised by the judges comments until they got to Simon, he hit the critique right on.
Tim - ADORABLE face, great song choice for him but he didn't pull off the song like I wanted him too... much improved from last week!
Lee - loved the entrance, loved the tone of that voice. Original, genuine, current!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
American Idol - Boys Night Recap

Lot's of TEXANS representing the boys this year.
My favorites... Aaron Kelly (great voice), Joe Dewyze (raspy, love the voice), Casey James (STEAMY-DREAMY!)
Todrick Hall... big fan of Todrick, not a fan of the arrangement, thought Simon was a little over the top by saying he murdered the original song.
Aaron Kelly... great voice, very good performance. I think he'll just get better as the weeks go by.
Jermaine Sellers... one of my all time favorite songs - "Get Here", didn't like the arrangement, very pitchy and did not like the high notes, very nervous.
Tim Urban... love his look!, again - didn't like the falsetto and very nervous.
Joe Muñoz... no WOW factor but pretty good, nervous.
Tyler Grady... last night I made the comment that Alicia Keys should not be replicated, the same goes for Lenny Kravitz.
Lee Dewyze... love the raspy voice, great song choice for him but a little pitchy in places, wish he would have stuck more to the original arrangement because I didn't recognize the song.
John Park... song sounds so old for him, pitchy in parts, too many runs - just sing!
Michael Lynche... love the back story of his baby girl being born during Hollywood Week, didn't like the arrangement, nervous, love his teddy bear persona.
Alex Lambert... very pitchy, somewhat lacking confidence, had a Robin Thicke vibe, cute little dimples.
Casey James... Kara cracks me up with her fascination with Casey, Cutie Patootie, Kara and Randy messed him up at the beginning doing their swaying back and forth, DREAMY with his interpretation of Heaven.
Andrew Garcia... so comfortable behind the mic, thought he could have brought a real rock vibe to the song, but he seamed to play it safe by pulling it down several notches, wish he would have knocked it out like he did with Paula's song. He absolutely deserves to be there next week.
Tonight was disappointing, seemed almost karaoke-ish!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
American Idol - Girls Night Recap

My favorites tonight.. Lilly Scott (original), Didi Benami (LOVE HER!), Crystal Bowersox (engaging), Katie Stevens (it's hard to believe she's only 17)!
Paige Miles... I felt like I was on a cruise ship.
Ashley Rodriguez... forgettable, above and beyond that though was her attitude. Her chip on her shoulder alone would keep me from voting for her!
Janell Wheeler... wrong song choice, seemed very nervous.
Katelyn Epperly...good voice, bad song choice, weird stage presence.
Haeley Vaughn... so cute and such a baby, not a big fan of her song choice and a little pitchy/twangy.
Lacey Brown... love her style, wrong arrangement, different.
Michelle Delamor... there are some singers you just don't try and replicate, Alicia Keys is one of them!
Siobhan Magnus... voice too low, nasally, looks like she's in severe pain.
The Judges
Simon was Simon, which I love. Kara, as always gave constructive criticism to help the contestants. Randy seemed tame tonight but maybe it's because it was girls night. Ellen did a great job for her first night! She knows what she likes and gives good advice when necessary.
No WOW factor with anyone, but it was a good night overall.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
American Idol Shocker
I am stunned that Angela Martin did not make it through to the top 24 on American Idol. She deserved to be put through. Angela has worked so hard over the last 3 seasons and she has such GREAT TALENT! Her back story was so touching but more than that, her talent alone should have gotten her through. I'm so sad for her but I hope this means this puts her even closer to her dream of being a singer. Someone needs to pick her up, STAT!
I'm so happy for all of my top picks from earlier in the season that made it through, but so sad for Angela. Congrats to the Top 24!
I'm so happy for all of my top picks from earlier in the season that made it through, but so sad for Angela. Congrats to the Top 24!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

American Idol - Hollywood Week 1
My favorite performances on AI last night were:
Andrew Garcia
Didi Benami
Lilly Scott
Crystal Bowersox
Who were your favorite contestants?
Andrew Garcia
Didi Benami
Lilly Scott
Crystal Bowersox
Who were your favorite contestants?
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Oprah's NO PHONE ZONE Pledge

Before I get started on my soapbox, I'm so glad to announce that as of 6:30 pm on 2/4/2010, Oprah's pledge has been taken by 101,750 drivers. Hopefully that number will continue to grow. You can take the pledge by going to Also, if you want to watch the full episode of Oprah's No Phone Zone show, here is the link I've learned about talking and/or texting while driving:
1.) Your brain can not keep up with driving while talking/texting at the same time. As much as we'd like to think it can, it's just not possible.
2.) Talking on your cell phone while driving is no different than having a blood alcohol level of .08 and driving. Your risk of causing an accident while driving drunk is 4x more likely, the same of that as talking while driving.
3.) Texting while driving increases your chances of causing an accident by 8x. Double that of a drunk driver or a talking driver.
4.) You suffer from inattention blindness and your peripheral vision is blurred just as that of someone who sees tunnel vision when talking/texting while driving. So, those cars or bikes or pedestrians or that stop sign that you normally see while driving, well they don't appear when you're on the phone.
5.) Causing accidents related to talking/texting are 100% preventable. Yes, 100% preventable!
A few of my favorite quotes from the show:
"It's not where your hands are, it's where your head is."
"Don't tempt f8, that txt or call can w8."
"Honk if you love Jesus, text if you would like to meet him"
I'm so glad I took the pledge and I hope you will join me. Save a life, who knows it could be your own.
To find more information on this cause, visit: or
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Groundhog's Day 2010
Punxsutawney Phil makes his Groundhog Day prediction - Feb. 2, 2010. Unfortunately, it looks like we will have 6 more weeks of winter. YUCK! However, I'm not quite sure we should fall in to believing the cute little groundhog. It seems he's only correct in his predictions 39% of the time. Maybe he'll be wrong this year! Let's hope!
Monday, February 1, 2010
2010 Grammy's
Did you watch the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards last night? Unfortunately, I did not but I was able to catch a few of the performances today on YouTube. Out of what I've been able to see, Lady GaGa, Pink and the Michael Jackson Tribute have been my favorites. What's yours?
Lady GaGa
Michael Jackson Tribute
Lady GaGa
Michael Jackson Tribute
Thursday, January 28, 2010
One For Jasmina - Remembering Jasmina
In April of 2009, I blogged about a little girl, Jasmina Anema, who was battling cancer. Many celebrities rallied around Jasmina in an effort to find a bone marrow match for her. In June of 2009, Jasmina received her bone marrow transplant and I could not have been happier. Unfortunately, in September Jasmina's family received the terrible news that her cancer had returned with a vengeance. Well, sadly Jasmina lost her battle with cancer yesterday. May this sweet little princess now rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family.
Blog post from June
One For Jasmina's Video
Blog post from June
One For Jasmina's Video
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Great Quote
I heard a great quote today, I'm not sure who said it as it was on a commercial I was watching. However, I heard it and loved it! It goes like this.....
"Is this the Great Recession or the recession that made us great?"
Isn't that a great quote/question? I loved it!
"Is this the Great Recession or the recession that made us great?"
Isn't that a great quote/question? I loved it!
Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Mom, Helping Those In Haiti
My Mom is an avid stamper and she's on a crusade to help all those in need in Haiti. I took the following entry from her blog at
Stampin'Up! announced yesterday that between now and February 28, 2010, $2.00 from every I-Heart) Hearts stamp set purchased will be donated to the American Red Cross' Haiti Relief & Development Fund. The Red Cross is already well established in Haiti, and this money will be used to provide immediate relief and long term support through supplies, technical assistance and other support to help those in need.
Please go to my SU Website, to order your set now.
I (Heart) Hearts - clear mount (block D recommended) 118571 $18.95
I (Heart) Hearts - wood mount 117010 $26.95
The more stamp sets sold, the greater the difference we make in the lives of those in Haiti. I hope you will join me in purchasing this set ASAP. Thank you for your support!
Stampin'Up! announced yesterday that between now and February 28, 2010, $2.00 from every I-Heart) Hearts stamp set purchased will be donated to the American Red Cross' Haiti Relief & Development Fund. The Red Cross is already well established in Haiti, and this money will be used to provide immediate relief and long term support through supplies, technical assistance and other support to help those in need.
Please go to my SU Website, to order your set now.
I (Heart) Hearts - clear mount (block D recommended) 118571 $18.95
I (Heart) Hearts - wood mount 117010 $26.95

The more stamp sets sold, the greater the difference we make in the lives of those in Haiti. I hope you will join me in purchasing this set ASAP. Thank you for your support!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Got Through....
I finally got through to the call screeners at Hope For Haiti Now. Didn't get to speak with a celebrity, but it didn't matter. I gave, that's what matters most. My heart and my prayers go out to the Haitians for the devastation they are going through. May God be with them and watch over them during this difficult time.
Hell Hath No Furry Like A Woman Scorned

According to Splash News:
"They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
But one scorned mistress allegedly took things one step further - by plastering three cities with massive billboard posters featuring herself with her ex-lover.
YaVaughnie Wilkins, 41, picked out images of herself cuddling up to businessman Charles E. Phillips, an advisor to US President Barack Obama, and then had them made into posters after he returned to his wife Karen.
She then paid approximately $50,000 each for the billboards - one in New York Times Square, one in Atlanta, and one in San Francisco where Wilkins lives."
I feel so sorry for the wife, who probably already knew about the affair, but this just throws it in her face. Men, really think before you cheat! It can cost you everything!
Hope For Haiti Now Telethon
The "Hope For Haiti Now" telethon is tonight at 8PM EST/7PM CT. Hope you watch and can make a donation. After donating, FB or tweet who you spoke with. Many celebs will be answering the phones tonight in LA and it will be cool to see who we all get a chance to talk to.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Remembering Haiti
On January 12, 2010, Haiti was hit by one of the largest earthquakes recorded in the region. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0 and devastated one of the poorest areas of the world, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Below are images taken of Haiti after the earthquake hit.
Some content may be too graphic, viewer discretion is advised.
Below are images taken of Haiti after the earthquake hit.
Some content may be too graphic, viewer discretion is advised.
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