Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike ~ 1st Update

Well, Stephanie and I went out at lunch to make a grocery run before the storm hits and it was absolutely crazy out there. The grocery stores and convenient stores are crammed pack with people trying to stock up with food and water. The gas stations have lines like you wouldn't believe. This storm has really gotten people a little frazzled.

As of right now, the storm is suppose to hit at a moderate Category 3 Hurricane with sustained winds reaching 120-125 miles per hour. Ike is currently coming in a little West of Houston. Down near the coast, they are looking at 15 to 20 feet storm surges.

Galveston County is under a mandatory evacuation and parts of Harris County are now under a mandatory evacuation as well.

I'll check in later with you all! Take care!

Here's a current look at Ike:

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