Friday, September 5, 2008

I promise I had nothing to do with Operation Code Pink last night!

Based on all of the protesters in the audience last night at the RNC, I would say it didn't go as smoothly as McCain would have liked.

"McCain Votes Against Vets" Demonstrator

I have several issues with McCain's speech, some of which I'll share.

McCain makes the following statement ~ "I’m running for President to keep the country I love safe, and prevent other families from risking their loved ones in war as my family has." If I'm not mistaken, isn't he one of the ones that voted to send our families into a country that we had no business being in, in the first place? He, along with President Bush and other members who voted for the war, have put thousands of families in harms way and for what? I keep hearing "we will be victorious in Iraq." Victorious over what? We invaded a country on the grounds that they had weapons of mass destruction, which they did not! We went after Saddam Hussein because he was considered a threat. Not to say that Saddam was not a threat, but Saddam was not the one responsible for 9/11. Once again we went to the wrong place at the wrong time looking for the wrong guy and for all the wrong reasons. It's an unjustified war and a war that needs to come to an end. Not later, but as soon as responsibly possible. My comments do not mean that I don't support our troops. I support them 110% if not more. However, I don't now and will not ever support those who voted to send our fellow Americans into a war without just cause!

McCain also says in his speech "I will ask Democrats and Independents to serve with me". How can he expect our service or our support after he bashes us? I don't know how you can go for 19 months bashing the views of Democrats and Independents and expect much support. If you can't show unity before the election, why would we think it would be any different after the fact. McCain specifically says he "will veto every bill that has earmarks". I'm afraid of what all McCain will end up using his veto power on. I'm afraid of the power he'll use period!

The biggest difference I noticed between the DNC and the RNC is that the DNC reflected people of all different race, age, religious background and sexual orientation who all came together in Unity to celebrate such a historic opportunity for our country. It was a celebration of what could be ~ Hope For Change and a Change We Can Believe In. I did not get that from the RNC. The RNC reflected one negative attack after another. I also didn't think McCain did a very good job at outlining what he plans to do for this country. He made specific reference to Palin's lack of experience by saying he "can’t wait until I introduce her to Washington". He can't wait to introduce her, because she's never been. I heard someone say the other day, "could you imagine, if McCain becomes President, Palin is just one heartbeat away from that spot". That's a scary thought to me. She is not ready to hold the position of the President.

Thank goodness we're only 59 days away from the Election!

Code Pink Demonstrators escorted out of RNC

By the way, the 1st Presidential Debate will be held on Friday, September 26, 2008.

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